2008-2009 Catalog and Student Handbook 
    Oct 18, 2024  
2008-2009 Catalog and Student Handbook [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

General Program Information

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Academic Programs

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Programs of Study

Northeast State Technical Community College offers university parallel or transfer degree programs designed to meet the needs of students who plan to transfer to four-year institutions to pursue a baccalaureate degree. The college also offers technical degree and academic/technical certificate programs designed to prepare the student for entry into the workforce upon completion of the program. The degree and certificate programs at Northeast State Technical Community College are listed in the Curriculum Guides section of this catalog.

Associate of Arts/Associate of Science Degrees University Parallel Programs

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Students who intend to earn a bachelor of arts or bachelor of science degree at a four-year college or university may complete the first two years at Northeast State by enrolling in the associate of arts or associate of science degree programs. The administration, faculty, and staff at Northeast State work closely with the students and neighboring colleges and universities to facilitate transfer. Course-by-course equivalency tables and articulation agreements with some four-year colleges and universities have been developed to ease transfer and assist the student and his/her advisor with academic program development.

Every TBR institution incorporates the 41 semester hours general education core into its degree program requirements and accepts all courses designated as meeting these requirements at other TBR institutions. By ensuring the transferability of courses fulfilling lower division general education requirements TBR has eliminated unnecessary repetition of these courses by students transferring to institutions within the TBR System. Students planning to receive a bachelor of arts degree must demonstrate proficiency in a foreign language as prescribed in the institutional degree requirements.

Articulation and Transfer

University parallel programs (AA and AS degree programs) are those designed for transfer into a baccalaureate program at a four-year college or university. Students may choose to declare a major, or emphasis, in the university parallel programs, or they may choose a general transfer degree. The university parallel emphases listed under “Curriculum Guides” in this catalog are designed to facilitate transfer to East Tennessee State University ; however, Northeast State faculty and staff work closely with other regional and TBR institutions to facilitate transfer through articulation agreements or transfer equivalency tables.

Articulation means that Northeast State has an agreement with a four-year college or university for a specific program(s) which is (are) offered at Northeast State and that meet the receiving institution’s requirements. The receiving institution has agreed to accept the student as having completed the first two years of a four-year program. Transfer equivalency tables refer to a listing of Northeast State courses accepted by a four-year college or university as equivalent. The receiving institutions acknowledge that they will accept Northeast State courses in transfer. Articulation agreements and transfer equivalencies vary from institution to institution; therefore, it is essential for students to refer to the program requirements in the senior institution’s catalog and seek advice from their academic advisor or from the Student Success Center staff concerning transfer.

The following is provided as a resource for students to check out transfer and articulation options at senior institutions. If a college or university is not listed, then a student should consult the staff of the Student Success Center for additional information.

Additionally, students may link to any school in the Tennessee Board of Regents System from this site – www.tbr.state.tn.us/campuses.htm

Associate of Arts and Associate of Science

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The divisions of Humanities, Behavioral and Social Sciences, Mathematics, and Science provide university parallel programs designed to transfer to senior institutions and general education courses required in selected technical education academic programs. The divisions of Mathematics and Science provide instruction in mathematics, astronomy, biology, chemistry, physics, pre-engineering, and health. The divisions of Humanities and Behavioral and Social Sciences provide instruction in criminal justice, education, English, foreign languages, geography, history, humanities, mass communications, physical education, social sciences, speech, and theatre. Courses in these academic disciplines are designed to offer students a common set of learning experiences which enhance their ability to function effectively in an increasingly complex society.

Pre-Professional Programs

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Pre-Professional Programs curricula are designed to satisfy minimum requirements for admissions to senior institutions offering health professions, engineering, and teacher education programs. Northeast State prepares students to enter professional programs in cardiopulmonary, chiropractic, dental hygiene, health information management, medical technology, medicine, nursing, occupational therapy, optometry, pharmacy, physical therapy, radiography, engineering, and various teacher education concentrations. Because admissions standards vary from institution to institution, students should see an advisor and contact the school to which they intend to transfer for additional information. Completing an associate of science degree in a pre-professional program does not guarantee admission into a professional degree program at a senior institution.


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Academic programs in specific engineering fields are designed to transfer to a Tennessee Technological University , which offer programs in chemical engineering, civil and environmental engineering, electrical engineering, industrial and systems engineering, mechanical engineering, computer engineering, and industrial technology. Students planning to transfer to other universities should see an advisor and contact the school to which they intend to transfer to design an optimal course of study. Engineering programs assume students have adequate preparation in mathematics to begin calculus. Students who have not completed pre-calculus courses including trigonometry and advanced algebra will need these course(s) in addition to those required for the program.

Pre-Health Professions

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Academic programs in pre-health professions are designed for transfer to institutions offering professional programs in chiropractic, dental hygiene, health information management, medical technology, medicine, nursing, occupational therapy, optometry, pharmacy, and physical therapy. Students planning to transfer to a college or university to continue their education in one of these programs should consult an advisor and contact the school to which they intend to transfer.

Pre-Teacher Education

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Academic programs in teacher education are designed to transfer to East Tennessee State University, which offers programs in Special Education K-12, Interdisciplinary Studies K-6, Early Childhood Pre-K-3, Physical Education K-12, and Secondary Education. Students planning to transfer to other colleges and universities should consult an advisor and contact the school to which they intend to transfer for specific requirements.

Associate of Applied Science

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The associate of applied science programs are for individuals who desire to enter a specialized occupational career immediately after graduation. These programs are not designed for transfer to a baccalaureate degree program. However, selected Northeast State Technical Community College associate of applied science degree programs are accepted by some senior colleges and universities.

Associate of Applied Science Degree Requirements

According to Tennessee Board of Regents policy, associate of applied science degree programs require a minimum of 60 semester college-level credit hours. Credit hours earned in remedial or developmental courses are institutional credit and are not applicable to credit hours required for a certificate, associate, or baccalaureate degree. Each student studying for an associate of applied science degree must complete a minimum of 15-16 semester credit hours of general education and a minimum of 45-46 semester credit hours in the technical specialty. Components of the basic core of general education in associate of applied science degree programs consist of a minimum of one course in the following areas*.


Subject Area   Credit Hours
English Composition  


Humanities/Fine Arts  


Behavioral and Social Sciences  


Natural Science/Mathematics  


One additional course from the categories of Communication, Humanities/Fine Arts, Social/Behavioral Sciences, or Natural Science/Mathematics  




*Consult the Approved Courses for General Education section of this catalog for a list of approved courses.

Transferability of the Associate of Applied Science Degree

The associate of applied science degree is intended to prepare a person for employment in a specific field rather than for transfer to a four-year college or university. However, many institutions do accept all or part of the course work taken at Northeast State and apply those courses toward the baccalaureate degree.

Students interested in such a transfer should contact their Northeast State advisor and the appropriate department at the transfer institution.

Academic/Technical Certificate Programs

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Academic/Technical certificate programs are designed to prepare individuals to enter a specialized occupational career area immediately after graduation. Each program contains courses specific and relevant to the career area. Credit for successful completion of courses in a certificate program may be applied towards an associate of applied science degree program.

Academic/Technical Certificate Program Requirements

Academic/technical certificate programs require the successful completion of courses in each curriculum. Individual assessment may result in the scheduling of additional courses to overcome deficiencies in English, mathematics, and reading. Credit hours earned in remedial or developmental courses are not applicable to credit hours required in an academic/technical certificate program. Certificate programs at Northeast State are listed in the Curriculum Guides section of this catalog, and include the following:

Behavioral and Social Sciences

  • Early Childhood Development

Health-Related Professions

  • Dental Assisting
  • EMT – Paramedic

Technical Education

  • Accounting Technology
  • Automotive Service
  • Chemical Process Operations
  • CISCO Networking Technology
  • Personal Computer Network Technology
  • Computer-Aided Drafting
  • Construction Electricity
  • Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning
  • Industrial Maintenance
  • Machine Tool Operations
  • Office Technology
  • Combination Welding

Online Degree Options

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Regents Online Degree Program (RODP)

Northeast State and the Tennessee Board of Regents colleges, universities and technical centers have joined to offer the Regents Online Degree Program (RODP). The Regents Online courses are designed around a typical semester in interactive asynchronous (anytime, anywhere) format. These courses contain the same content and rigor as standard on-campus courses. The RODP program also offers online student services such as advising, library services, and student support services. Technical support for accessing course lessons and assignments are available 24 hours a day, 7 days per week. Instructors may require students to take proctored mid-term and/or final exams. Regents courses are entirely online and transferable among all the participating institutions. For more information about RODP courses, please refer to the Northeast State Web page at www.NortheastState.edu and access the link to Evening/Distance Education or contact a counselor at 423.323.0214, rodp@NortheastState.edu

Northeast State Online Program Options

Northeast State’s Evening and Distance Education web page includes Internet courses that offer students the opportunity to complete all or part of their course work via the Internet. Students may earn 41 hours of general education core for transfer programs or earn a specific degree or certificate.

Northeast State’s online courses are different from the Regent’s Online Degree Program courses in that the classes meet at selected times in a synchronous format, generally on the campus four to six times throughout the semester. These class sessions are for lecture and testing. Some online courses may have a weekly lab associated with them. To complete all requirements for online courses, students must be able to access the Internet through the college’s facilities or secure access on their own. More detailed information about Northeast State’s online courses is available on the Evening and Distance Education web page at www.NortheastState.edu.

Online Associate Degree Program Options

  • AS in General Studies
  • AAS in Business Management
  • AAS in Computer and Information Sciences
  • AAS in Office Administration Technology

Online Certificate Programs

  • Personal Computer Networking
  • Office Technology