2011-2012 Catalog and Student Handbook 
    Oct 06, 2024  
2011-2012 Catalog and Student Handbook [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Definition of Terms


Academic Affairs – The college organizational unit charged with the development and management of the academic programs including Academic Development and the Library, Behavioral and Social Sciences, Evening and Distance Education, Health-Related Professions, Honors Programs, Humanities, Instructional Technology, Mathematics, Nursing, Science, Technical Education and the Institute for Business and Industry Services.

ACT Test Fee – A nonrefundable fee charged to take the ACT test. The fee must be paid at the time the ACT application is submitted by the student.

Admission – Acceptance of a candidate for enrollment.

Admission to Advanced Standing – Granted on the basis of demonstrated educational attainment beyond the minimum required for admission.

Advisor, Advisee – The advisor is the individual assigned to help students make determinations concerning their academic program. The student is the advisee.

Alternative Delivery - A different method of presenting course instruction designed to deliver it faster, by lab, Internet, video, audio or a combination of methods.

Application Fee – This one-time, nonrefundable fee must accompany the initial application submitted to Northeast State prior to a student’s acceptance.

Articulation Agreement - By matching coursework between institutions, an official approved articulation agreement is designed to help students make a smooth transition when transferring between institutions (community college to four-year college or university, technology center to community college, or high school to community college.)

Associate Degree – A degree awarded upon successful completion of a designated curriculum of at least 60 hours of college-level work.

Behavioral and Social Sciences - The purpose of the division of Behavioral and Social Sciences is to provide instruction in early childhood development, economics, education, geography, physical education, political science, psychology, and sociology. Courses offered by the division are designed to fulfill the general education course requirements in technical education and to prepare students in the university parallel program to transfer to four-year colleges and universities.

Book Voucher - An approved permission to purchase books through an official process designated by financial aid.

Business Affairs – The college organizational unit charged with the development and management of business concerns and related matters including Accounting and Purchasing, Budgeting, Contract Services, Financial Aid, Human Resources, Plant Operations and Maintenance, Printing and Publications, and Police and Safety.

Campus Access Fee – A nonrefundable fee charged to all students, faculty, and staff for access to the campus and its facilities.

Challenge Test - A means of challenging placement into a learning support course through a different test than the one upon which the placement was based.

Classification – A student’s status (i.e., Advanced Studies, Freshman, Sophomore, Special, Transient) in respect to progress toward the completion of a curriculum based upon the number of course credit hours attained.

Common Core - Relates to General Education, or a list of courses required in all major concentrations that are selected, offered, and transferable between institutions.

COMPASS (Computerized Assessment and Support System) - A computerized standardized placement test designed to assist the institution in placing students in the basic skills areas of writing, reading, and mathematics. Testing time is individualized.

Concentration – At a community college, the student’s primary field of interest. (See Emphasis. )

Continuing Education – Non-credit courses offered for business, professional, or personal development.

Continuing Education Unit – The unit used to record the efforts of students who successfully complete non-credit courses. One CEU is equal to 10 contact hours.

Corequisites – Courses a student must take with another course.

Course – Organized subject matter in which instruction is offered within a given period of time and for which credit toward graduation or certification is usually given.

Course Number – Identifies class level and distinguishes it from other courses in a given area of study. This usually indicates the level of difficulty of a course, e.g., 1000-1999 (Freshman level); 2000-2999 (Sophomore level).

Credit by Exam (Proficiency) Fee – A nonrefundable fee charged to take a faculty-developed examination designed to measure competency in a course.

Credit Hours (Semester Hours) – The number of credits assigned to a course. (Also called semester hours.)

Curriculum – The whole body of courses offered for study.

Degree (Earned) – Title bestowed as official recognition for the completion of a designated curriculum.

Degree Seeking Student – One who has fulfilled the admissions requirements and who is pursuing an associate degree program, referred to by some colleges as a regular student.

Department – An academic discipline which offers instruction in a particular branch of knowledge.

Dismissal – Involuntary separation of the student from the college.

Division – An administrative unit comprised of a group of related academic departments.

Drop – Resignation from a class or classes following the procedures outlined in the college catalog.

Dual Enrollment – Concurrent high school and college enrollment; enrolled student earns both high school and college credit.

Elective – A course which the student may choose as distinguished from courses which are required.

Emphasis – At the community college, an area of concentration for study that would lead to an associate of science or associate of arts degree.

Evening and Distance Education Division – The purpose of the Division of Evening and Distance Education is to provide academic credit classes through traditional and alternative delivery systems on the main campus and at selected off-campus sites in support of the college’s mission to increase access to higher education for the citizens of the region. The division provides: Evening classes, Off-campus sites/classes, Weekend College, Accelerated Studies, Telecourses, Internet, Interactive Television (ITV), High School Transitions/Dual Enrollment Programs, College Readiness and Early College/STEM Programs, Regents Online Degree Program (RODP), Regents Online Continuing Education (ROCE), and adjunct faculty coordination.

Extracurricular/Co-curricular Activities – Activities that support or enhance the academic programs and/or student development.

Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) - A federal application form that must be filed before  financial aid may be awarded, Pell Grant, minority grant, e.g.

Freshman – Classification of degree-seeking students having accumulated less than 30 credit hours.

Full-Time Students – A student who is enrolled for at least 12 semester hours of academic courses.

GED Test Fee – A nonrefundable fee charged to take the complete GED test. The fee covers all five parts of the test and must be paid before sitting for the test. Please call the GED office at 423.323.0211 for testing dates or additional information.

GED Retest Fee – A nonrefundable fee charged to retake individual sections of the GED test.

General Education – A common set of learning experiences which provides a foundation for problem solving, professional preparation, civic and cultural understanding, and lifelong learning.

Grade Point Average – A measure of average scholastic success obtained by dividing the number of grade points earned by the total number of hours of coursework.

Grant-in-Aid – A monetary award made to a student without regard to financial need.

Health-Related Professions Division – The purpose of the division of Health-Related Professions is to provide instruction in Cardiovascular Technology, Dental Assisting, Emergency Medical Technology, Medical Laboratory Technology, and Surgical Technology which prepares students to function in the role of a specialized healthcare provider. Completion of these academic programs enables the student to take licensure or certification examinations required in these healthcare career fields.

Humanities Division – The purpose of the division of Humanities is to provide instruction in art, English, foreign languages, humanities, history, music, philosophy, and theatre. Courses offered by the division are designed to fulfill the general education course requirements in technical education programs and to prepare students in the university parallel program to transfer to four-year colleges and universities.

Identification Card Replacement – No charge is made for the initial student identification card required of all students. Replacement cards cost $5 each.

Institutional Advancement – Institutional Advancement, the fund-raising entity of the college, is responsible for the development and administration of the scholarship program and management of the departments of Community Relations and Marketing and Alumni Affairs.


Institutional Effectiveness – The college organizational unit charged with the development and management of planning, research, assessment, and performance funding.

Joint Enrollment – Concurrent high school and college enrollment; enrolled student earns college credit for college courses.

Late Fee – A nonrefundable fee charged to all students enrolled in courses for credit or audit who pay or register after first day of classes. The late fee is not charged until the first day of classes.

Learning Support – A program of studies in various areas designed to give the student prerequisites to college-level courses which include English/Writing, Mathematics, Reading, and Learning Strategies.

Library Fines – A nonrefundable fine charged equal to the cost of repair (rebinding) or replacement of books and materials. An additional $10 is assessed to offset administrative costs.

Major – The student’s primary field of interest or study.

Maintenance Fee – A fee charged to all students enrolled in credit or audit courses. It is calculated based on the number of hours for which the student is enrolled. See current fee amounts listed under semester costs.

Mathematics – The purpose of the division of Mathematics is to provide instruction in mathematics and pre-engineering. Courses offered by the division are designed to fulfill the general education course requirements in technical programs and to prepare students in the university parallel program to transfer to four-year colleges and universities.

Non-credit Course – Any course that does not offer college credit upon completion.

Nursing Division - The purpose of the division of Nursing is to provide instruction in nursing and promote the health of the community as evidenced by a commitment to accessibility to high-quality nursing education, learning, and service.

Out-of-State Tuition – An additional fee charged to students classified as non-state residents of Tennessee who are enrolled in courses for credit or audit. This fee is in addition to the maintenance fee. See current fee amounts listed under semester costs.

Part-Time Student – A student enrolled for less than 12 hours of academic coursework.

Prerequisite – A course/courses a student must successfully complete before enrolling in a higher level course.

President’s List – An honor designation for students who have attained a GPA of 4.00 during a semester in which a minimum of 12 hours of college-level credit is awarded.

Probation (Academic) – Academic probation status indicates that a student did not attain the minimum cumulative GPA needed to meet the Academic Dismissal and Retention Standards of the College and is no longer in good academic standing. A student placed on probation may enroll in courses or should seek the assistance of his/her advisor in developing a plan of study and support activities designed to help the student meet the retention standards. This plan may include a reduced course load (12 hours for a full-time student), repeating courses in which a “D” or “F” grade was earned, and meeting with Student Success Center staff. A student who meets the Academic Dismissal and Retention Standards while on academic probation shall regain good standing. A student who fails to meet the Academic Dismissal and Retention Standards while on academic probation will be placed on academic dismissal for the subsequent semester.

Residency – Refers to whether or not a student qualifies for in-state maintenance fees.

Reinstatement – The act of readmitting a student after dismissal.

Returned Check Fee – A fee charged to all students who write checks that are returned to Northeast State from a financial institution because payment has been refused. This is not charged in cases of bank error if the student submits a written statement from the bank.

RODP - Regents Online Degree Program - Northeast State and the Tennessee Board of Regents colleges, universities and technology centers have joined to offer the Regents Online Degree Program (RODP). The Regents Online courses are designed around a typical semester in interactive asynchronous (anytime, anywhere) format. These courses contain the same content and rigor as standard on-campus courses. The RODP program also offers online student services such as advising, library services, and student support services. Technical support for accessing course lessons and assignments are available 24 hours a day, 7 days per week. Regents courses are entirely online and transferable among all the participating institutions. For more information about RODP courses, please refer to the Northeast State web page at www.NortheastState.edu and access the link to Evening/Distance Education.

Science Division – The purpose of the division of Science is to provide instruction in astronomy, biology, chemistry, health, and physics. Courses offered by the division are designed to fulfill the general education course requirements in technical programs and to prepare students in the university parallel program to transfer to four-year colleges and universities.

Section Number – In the numbering/listing of courses, the three digits following the course number indicating the session/ instructional method of the course.

Semester – One of any three terms (fall, spring, summer) during which courses are offered by the college.

Sophomore – A degree seeking student who has completed 30 or more college-level credit hours.

Special Student – One who is not pursuing a certificate or associate degree program. Special students either do not fulfill minimum requirements for entrance as degree students or have been permitted to enroll in a limited or special selection of degree credit courses without regard to degree requirements.

Student Activity Fee – A nonrefundable fee charged to all students enrolled in credit courses at any site. This fee is used to support a variety of student activities.

Student Affairs – The college organizational unit charged with the development and management of student services programming including Admissions and Records, Student Success Center, Enrollment Services, Financial Aid, Student Development and Activities, Services for Students with Disabilities, Student Health Services, Student Information Center, Student Support Services, Testing Services, and Veterans Affairs.

Student Aid – Financial assistance for college expenses through any form of grants, scholarships, loans, or work.

Student Success Center - The Student Success Center provides academic advising, career counseling, and transfer advising services to students, manages a variety of outreach programs to promote student success, and coordinates the administration of academic placement testing, graduate exit exams, and other college assessments.

Syllabus – A document that describes all components and requirements of an academic course.

TBR – The State University and Community College System of Tennessee (Tennessee Board of Regents) is the public system of higher education in Tennessee. The parent organization to state technology centers, community colleges, and universities, it is charged with strengthening academic programs, ensuring adequate distribution of programs to meet citizen needs, and developing academic programming for the state system.

Technical Education Division – The purpose of the Technical Education division is to provide academic programs designed for students who desire to enter occupational career fields in business, industry, or government immediately after graduation. The division provides instruction in Business Management Technology with concentrations in Accounting, Management, and Small Business Management; Computer and Information Sciences Technology with concentrations in Computer Programming, Internet and Web Development, Networking Systems, and Personal Computer Management; Electrical Technology with concentrations in Electrical and Electromechanical; General Technology; Industrial Technology with concentrations in Automotive Service, Industrial Drafting Design, Machine Tool, Manufacturing, Mechanical, Motor Sports, and Welding/Metal Fabrication; and Office Administration Technology with concentrations in General Office, Legal Office, and Medical Office. The division also facilitates specialized training for the private and public sector.

Technology Access Fee – A fee charged to all students enrolled in courses for credit or audit. The funds are used to provide students with state-of-the-art technology.

Telecourse Replacement Fees – Audiovisual Equipment – A fee charged equal to the replacement cost of lost audio visual equipment. An additional nonrefundable fee of $10 is assessed to offset administrative costs. Telecourse Materials – A fee charged equal to the replacement cost of telecourse materials. An additional nonrefundable fee of $10 is assessed to offset administrative costs.

THEC – The Tennessee Higher Education Commission’s purpose is to achieve coordination and foster unity in higher education within the state.

Traffic Fines – Students and employees parked illegally, speeding, or not properly displaying a Northeast State parking permit will receive a parking violation ticket. All fines must be paid within 14 calendar days from the date of the ticket.

Transcript – The official record of completed courses and the grades made.

Transfer Student – A student who has attended one or more colleges and is admitted to another.

Transfer Credit – The number of course credits taken by a student at one college that another college accepts.

Transient Student – A student in good standing in one college who is taking courses which will transfer back to the original college.

Vice President’s List – An honor designation awarded to students who have attained a GPA of 3.50-3.99 during a semester in which a minimum of 12 hours of college-level credit is completed.

Withdrawal – A release from enrollment in all classes. An official withdrawal occurs when a student follows outlined procedures. When the student merely stops attending classes without following procedures, failing marks ( F ) are recorded on the student’s transcript.



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