Learning Support
Additional courses may be required to overcome deficiencies in English, mathematics, and reading.
- Communication - Select one approved course Credits: 3
- ENGL 1020 - ♦English Composition II Credits: 3
- Foreign Language - Select one course of the same language Credits: 3
- General Elective - Credits: 4
- Humanities and/or Fine Arts - Select one approved course Credits: 3
- Behavioral/Social Science - Select one approved course Credits: 3
- Foreign Language - Select one course of same language Credits: 3
- History - Select one approved course Credits: 3
- Literature - Select one approved course Credits: 3
- Natural Science - Select one approved course Credits: 4
- Behavioral/Social Science - Select one approved course Credits: 3
- Foreign Language - Select one course of same language Credits: 3
- History - Select one approved course Credits: 3
- Natural Science - Select one approved course Credits: 4
Transfer Requirements
Tennessee Transfer Path to UT/TBR four year universities in compliance with Complete College Tennessee Act of 2010.
Please check websites of university departments of foreign language for additional information regarding advisement available to students majoring in foreign language.
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