2005-2006 Catalog and Student Handbook 
    Sep 17, 2024  
2005-2006 Catalog and Student Handbook [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Affairs

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Many of the services available to students are coordinated through identified programs, offices or organizational units. While referenced elsewhere in this catalog and in other institutional literature, the following are some of the offices/programs where students may receive information or assistance.


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Admissions and Records - The Office of Admissions and Records oversees activities relative to student admittance, enrollment, grade reporting, academic standards, transcripts, and graduation. The Admissions Office is located in the Pierce Administrative Building, Room P203, telephone 423/323/0253.

Any person who has not completed high school should call the GED Testing Center and investigate taking the GED. After successfully passing the GED, the prospective student should call Northeast State’s Admissions and Records Office 423/323/0253 or 282/0800 to schedule further testing necessary for college entrance.

Advising and Assessment - The Advising and Assessment Center provides a wide variety of services to both prospective and currently enrolled students to include: assistance with registration, academic advising, transfer advising, and career planning. Students who are uncertain about their academic major can work with advisors in the center to complete interest inventories and conduct computer-based career research to reach a decision and form an academic plan. The center also conducts academic assessments, such as Compass, ACT Residual, Academic Profile, CLEP, and GED. The Advising and Assessment Center is located in the General Studies Building, Suite C2407. For further information, call 423/323/0214.

Bookstore - The Bookstore at Northeast State is operated under contract by Follett College Stores for the convenience of faculty, staff and students. The Bookstore stocks textbooks and educational supplies needed by students enrolled in an academic program. The store also maintains a supply of other items such as caps and shirts imprinted with the college name/logo.

Business Office - Fees, tuition, bills, and fines can be paid in the Business Office, Pierce Administration Building, Room P107. Normal hours of operations are 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Extended hours on registration days will be noted in the class schedule. For further information, contact 423/323/0258.

Campus Information Center - The Campus Information Center is centrally located in the Pierce Administration Lobby and its staff provides general information to students, visitors, and employees of the college. Students can obtain copies of their schedules and other important forms. Campus tours are coordinated by this office daily, Monday - Friday at 10:30 and 1:30. To schedule a tour or for more information, call 423/323/0243.

Campus Tour Guides -This program is open to all students who have an interest in providing tours to prospective students, parents, and visitors to Northeast State’s main campus. Applications to be a tour guide are accepted each semester for a limited number of positions. More information, including eligibility requirements, may be obtained by contacting Deb Johnson in P201B, ext. 3229 or Marsha Elam in P201, ext. 3243.

Career and Employment Services - Career and Employment Services provides job-seeking assistance and job referrals to enrolled students and alumni. Assistance is available on topics such as writing a resume, writing cover letters, interviewing techniques, and dressing for success. The Career and Employment Services Office is located in the General Studies Building, C1108. Office hours are from 8 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. For an appointment call 423/323/0214 or 423/354/2491.

Community Relations and Marketing - Northeast State’s Community Relations and Marketing Office is the primary media contact for the campus, as well as the coordinating office for campus publications and promotional materials and activities. The office produces the semester Schedule of Classes and other major campus publications such as brochures, viewbooks, business cards, and flyers. For additional information, visit the Community Relations and Marketing Office in the Pierce Building, Room P316 or call 423/323/ 0259 or 282/0800, ext. 3259 or 3307.

Developmental Studies - The Developmental Studies Program is designed to meet the educational and counseling needs of under-prepared students and to provide instruction in English, mathematics, reading, and study skills to prepare students for college-level work. For more information, contact the Assistant Vice President of Academic Affairs at 423/ 323/3191, ext. 3542.

Emergencies - Students may want to share the telephone number where a family member or other individual may call in case of an emergency. These numbers are:

Office of Student Affairs – 423/323/0210
Office of Evening and Distance Education – 432/323/0221
Security Office – 423/323/0255

Calls to the Elizabethton campus, Kingsport campuses or other off-campus sites, and Weekend College should be directed to the Office of Evening and Distance Education.

Enrollment Services - The office of Enrollment Services is responsible for the overall recruiting efforts of the college. The office routinely visits area high schools and businesses in the service area. New student orientation is coordinated by this office, accommodating the needs of incoming students. During orientation students are given essential information regarding college policies and procedures. The office of Enrollment Services is located in the Pierce Building, Room P201. For more information, call 423/323/0229.

Evening and Distance Education - The Evening and Distance Education division offers quality higher education programs, serves evening and off-campus students, and provides community opportunities for lifelong learning through distance education, professional development, and the Weekend College. The Division of Evening and Distance Education coordinates services for the evening students and faculty on the Northeast State campus and offers classes at the offcampus sites in Elizabethton and the East Tennessee State University facilities in Kingsport and the RCAT in downtown Kingsport.

Services to students who attend evening and off-campus classes are coordinated by the Director of Evening Services who is located in Room C2101. The Office of Evening and Distance Education is open from 8:00 a.m. to 9:30 p.m., Monday through Thursday and from 8:00 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. on Friday. Call 423/323/0221 or visit the office for assistance.

Financial Aid - Financial assistance is available to students who need help in financing their education. Brochures which describe the types of assistance and the criteria for receiving aid are found in the Financial Aid Office (F102) and in brochure stands throughout buildings at Northeast State. For further information contact 423/323/0232.

Food Service - Food service in The Courtyard cafeteria is provided by SUBWAY, a private vendor offering a breakfast and lunch menu of different types of sandwiches, subs and salads. Neither the college nor SUBWAY offers any type of meal plan for students. Vending machines with snack foods and drinks, including juices, are available at various locations on campus.

General Education Development (GED) Department - The GED Testing Center administers the GED examination to citizens in the service delivery area of Northeast State. For more information, call 423/323-0211, or 282-0800, ext. 3211.

Insurance - Since medical care is occasionally needed on an emergency basis and on short notice, students are encouraged to obtain student health and accident insurance. Brochures on student accident and health insurance are available from the Student Health Services Office, C-2113.

Library - The Library makes available to faculty, staff and students a variety of multimedia materials and services for educational purposes, research and reference interests, career studies, personal enrichment and recreational reading. The Library has a fully automated public access catalog and numerous databases for information retrieval. Additional resources are available. The Library is open to all students, staff, faculty, and any members of the community from 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. Monday-Thursday and 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Friday. For additional information, visit the Basler Library.

Services for Individuals with Disabilities - It is the goal of Northeast State Technical Community College to assure equal educational opportunities for individuals with disabilities. Therefore, the Center for Students with Disabilities provides services and academic accommodations for students with disabilities who self-identify as having a disability and who provide appropriate documentation of the disability. Documentation guidelines are available upon request. Any student with a disability wishing to arrange or obtain approved accommodations must contact the Center for Students with Disabilities, General Studies Building, Room C2418.

According to Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the 1990 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), a student with a disability is someone who has a physical or mental impairment; has a history of impairment; or is believed to have a disability that substantially limits one or more of the major life activities; such as learning, speaking, working, hearing, breathing, caring for oneself, performing manual tasks, seeing, or walking.

Services Provided by the Center for Students with Disabilities - Services and accommodations for individuals with disabilities include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Distribution of book vouchers from the Department of Vocational Rehabilitation
  • Assistance with pre-registration and registration
  • Tutoring services for Vocational Rehabilitation Clients
  • Career Assessment programs
  • Wheelchair accessible tables and ergonomically correct chairs
  • Extended time on tests, quizzes, and in-class writing assignments
  • Note-takers, scribes, readers, interpreters
  • Adaptive equipment/technology
  • Testing in alternative locations and alternative formats
  • Tape recording of class lectures

Appropriate accommodations are determined on an individual basis as per disability and/or diagnostic documentation. It is the student’s responsibility to provide appropriate documentation. To obtain accommodations, students must schedule a needs assessment with the coordinator. After receipt and review of required documentation, a letter will be prepared by the Center for Students with Disabilities, as requested by the student. Students must sign a written release in order for instructors to receive accommodation letters. Students are encouraged to speak with their instructors the first week of the semester relative to accommodations needed in each class. Instructors are not required to provide accommodations for students prior to the receipt of accommodation letters from the Center for Students with Disabilities.

All documentation is confidential and should be submitted to:
Coordinator, Center for Students with Disabilities
Northeast State Technical Community College
2425 Highway. 75, Box 246. Blountville, TN 37617- 0246
Fax: 423/279/7649
Phone: 423/279/7640 (Phone/TDD)

Student Activity Fee - The purpose of the Student Activity Fee is to provide and promote programs to assist in the development of educational, social, cultural, vocational, athletic, and leadership skills of all students. The fee, as approved by the Tennessee Board of Regents, is collected from each regularly enrolled student per term during the regular academic year. Such fee shall be collected in addition to the regular maintenance fees and out-of-state tuition fees. The Student Activity Fee Committee is a standing committee appointed by the President of Northeast State Community College and is responsible for the allocation of all student activity fees. The committee hears requests for allocations and recommends the allocation of funds to the President of Northeast State Community College through the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs.

All activity fees collected are state funds and as such, are subject to all procedures, rules, and regulations relative to state funds, including collection, disbursement, and audit. Ultimate authority for the use of the activity fee rests with the President of Northeast State Community College pending approval by the Board. Primary consideration will be given to those programs that are available to all students.

No funds shall be allocated to student programs not officially sanctioned by the college or to student organizations not meeting the conditions of annual renewal of registration.

No funds shall be allocated to programs limited to special interest groups, unless such program is open to the entire student body and the Student Activity Fee Committee recommends approval based on a determination that the program will benefit the entire student body. No funds shall be used to finance instructional activities, charitable causes, or partisan political activities. Northeast State prohibits the expenditure of allocated Student Activity Fee funds on charitable causes that include, but are not limited to, monetary or item donations to an individual or individuals and/or monetary or item donations to an organizational entity.

A detailed statement on the policies and practices of the Student Activity Fee Committee is available from the Office of the Associate Vice President of Student Affairs (P315).

Student Development and Activities - Northeast State is committed to the concept of total student development and support by encouraging participation in cocurricular activities that lead to the development of individual and team skills. The college sanctions various student organizations, programs, and academic/cocurricular committees in support of student life. Student life programs and student organizations are coordinated through the Center for Student Development and Activities, which serves as a clearinghouse and resource center for campus programs designed to promote student involvement. For more information, visit the Center for Student Development and Activities in A212 or call 423/354/2474.

Student Health Services - The mission of Northeast State Student Health Services is directed toward enhancing the educational process by modifying or removing health-related barriers to learning, promoting optimal wellness, enabling individuals to make informed decisions about health-related concerns, and empowering students to be selfdirected and well-informed consumers of health care.

Services include but are not limited to the following.

  1. A registered nurse is available for brief nursing assessment and consultation as allowed by the State Nurse Practice Act.
  2. Minor first aid supplies and some over the counter medications are available. Self-care instruction sheets on common symptoms are provided.
  3. The measles, mumps, rubella (MMR) vaccination required for college students is available.
  4. Blood pressure and weight screenings and monitoring are available.
  5. Special clinics for flu shots and cholesterol screenings are coordinated for the campus.
  6. Health education materials including a collection of books, brochures, and audio material on current health topics are available for students.
  7. Wellness programming is based on Healthy People 2010, the prevention agenda for the Nation. Healthy People 2010 includes two Overarching Goals: first, to increase quality and years of healthy life; and second, to eliminate health disparities. Most of our programs or services can be placed in one or more of the ten major health issues for our nation: Physical Activity, Overweight and Obesity, Tobacco Use, Substance Abuse, Responsible Sexual Behavior, Mental Health, Injury and Violence, Environmental Quality, Immunization, and Access to Health Care.
  8. Health related education is also available to all students via the Northeast State Student Health Services web page at www.NortheastState.edu.

For further information call 423/323/0212 or visit the Student Health Clinic in Room C2113 of the General Studies Building.

Student Support Services - Provides a number of support services for students who qualify under federally established criteria. Criteria include low income, physically handicapped, or first generation college student status. Support services are designed to enhance the likelihood that qualified students will remain in school through graduation.

All services are provided free of charge to qualified participants. Services include academic advising, transfer assistance, career advising, tutoring, workshops and seminars and access to cultural event activities as well as financial aid referral and assistance with study skills development. Students interested in applying for services must see the program secretary in the Student Support Services Office, General Studies Building, C1107.

Note: Students interested in working as paid peer tutors are encouraged to apply in the Student Support Services Office, General Studies Building, C1107.

Student Life

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Students may choose to become involved in a wide variety of student life activities at Northeast State Community College based upon their individual interests. The college’s commitment to the concept of total student development and support is evidenced by these student life programs that are designed to enhance the individual’s collegiate experience. Northeast State is a member institution of the American Student Association of Community Colleges, the Association for the Promotion of Campus Activities, the Association of Student Advancement Programs, and the National Council on Student Development. The following are college sanctioned student organizations, programs, and academic/cocurricular committees in which students may participate.

Sanctioned Programs

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Alpha Sigma Lambda National Honor Society - Alpha Sigma Lambda National Honor Society is a nonprofit organization devoted to the advancement of scholarship and to the recognition of non-traditional students continuing their higher education. The Nu Sigma Chi Chapter at Northeast State is one of over 300 institutional chapters throughout the United States. Anne Carroll (F114, ext. 3365) and Kim Crowder (F230, ext. 3394) serve as faculty advisors.

American Welding Society (AWS) - Northeast State’s student section of the American Welding Society promotes the application and research of welding/metal fabrication among students. Educational development, sound practices, and career opportunities are emphasized. Charlie Bloomer (S100, ext. 3399) is the faculty advisor.

Argumentation and Debate Society - The purpose of the Argumentation and Debate Society is to provide the student body with a forum for free expression and to offer opportunities for students to voice their opinions on current events and matters of interest to the academic community. The organization also offers guidance in the execution of public discourse and seeks to establish acceptable procedures toward accomplishing the goals of free speech. Laura Barnett (F219, ext. 3356), Kim Crowder (F230, ext. 3394), Ruth Davis (C2301, ext. 7657), and Rick Merritt (C2301, ext. 3691) are the faculty advisors.

Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) - The Association for Computing Machinery is an international scientific and educational professional organization dedicated to advancing the arts, sciences, and applications of information technology. With a world-wide membership, ACM is a leading resource for computing professionals and students working in the various fields of information technology and for interpreting the impact of information technology on society. The Northeast State chapter provides a way for students to meet and interact with other members on the local level as well as participate in events sponsored by the professional organization on the regional and national levels. David Frazier (F206, ext. 3374) and Allan Anderson (F208, ext. 3398) serve as faculty advisors. Visit http://cscilinux.NortheastState.edu/forums/ for more information.

Astronomy Club - The Astronomy Club is designed for anyone who has an interest in astronomy or space exploration. Activities include informative talks, observations of the night sky, and field trips to observatories and planetariums. Robin Byrne (B104D, ext. 3504) is the faculty advisor.

Black Student Association (BSA) - The Black Student Association is an educational and cultural non-profit and nonpolitical organization based at Northeast State. The organization is open to all Northeast State students, faculty, and staff. Its primary purpose is to serve the interests of minority students. The BSA provides a professional, informational, and social network for students of African descent to ensure their retention, academic excellence, and participation in student life at Northeast State. Contact advisors Patsy Bowers (P216, ext. 3387) or Sherman Patrick (F228, ext. 2493) for more information.

The Book Swap - The Book Swap program serves as a clearinghouse for the purchase, sale, or trade of used textbooks by Northeast State students. Sponsored by the Northeast State Student Ambassadors, this service is available online at http://www.NortheastState.edu/nssa. Follow the designated links. No textbooks are accepted or money exchanged by the Student Ambassadors; the program merely puts buyer and seller in contact. For more information, contact Greg Walters (A213, ext. 3274) or Chris Steger (A212, ext. 3416).

Campus Christian Fellowship (CCF) - The Campus Christian Fellowship provides opportunities for students and employees to meet regularly to enjoy Christian fellowship and fun. Meetings include music, prayer, devotions, Bible study, and worship and praise to the Lord, as well as fun and laughter. Other activities include participation in schoolsponsored events, sponsoring speakers or musical concerts for the campus, and volunteering at area Christian and/or church events. Brenda Denton (M101C, ext. 3206), Kim Nunn (F118, ext. 3353), and Mary Ella Poteat (F111, ext. 3390) are the advisors.

Campus Tour Guides - This program is open to all students who have an interest in providing tours to prospective students, parents, and visitors to Northeast State’s main campus. Applications are accepted each semester for a limited number of positions. More information, including eligibility requirements, may be obtained by contacting Deb Johnson (P201B, ext. 3229) or Marsha Elam (P201, ext. 3243).

Clinical Laboratory Science Club - The Clinical Laboratory Science Club promotes understanding of the field of laboratory medicine through scheduled meetings, distribution of educational materials, participation in recruitment opportunities at elementary/secondary schools and organizations, as well as through community service projects. Funds are raised to attend state and national meetings for the purpose of continuing education and networking with peers. Anyone interested in club membership is invited to join. Linda Lahr (Nave Center, Room 102, 547-4907) is the faculty advisor.

Criminal Justice Society (CJS) - The Criminal Justice Society serves as an organization dedicated to exposing students to critical issues of justice and equal treatment in America by agencies of the criminal justice system. To accomplish this goal, the society promotes excellence in the education of criminal justice; strives to promote better relations between local criminal justice agencies and the general public; serves as a liaison between local agencies and Northeast State, and provides members with information on the varied nature of career opportunities in criminal justice. Faculty advisors are Steve Buttolph (C2301, ext. 3227) and Lanny Smith (A203, ext. 3331).

Cultural Activities - The Cultural Activities Committee (which includes two student representatives) identifies, plans, and coordinates a series of cultural events and activities each year. The Arts Alive! series includes performances by regionally or nationally known artists, musicians, singers, dancers, writers, and lecturers. The performances are free and open to the public. Jim Kelly (C2307, ext. 7669) is the committee chair.

Drama Club - The Drama Club is open to all students, faculty, and staff who want to expand their understanding and enjoyment of drama. Students who are interested in acting, directing, working backstage, or just watching live theatre are encouraged to join. Drama Club members raise funds to assist with travel to see top quality productions. Michael Aulick (F227, ext. 3279) and Eric Fish (F217, ext. 3462) are the faculty advisors.

Echoes and Images - Echoes and Images is Northeast State’s student literary magazine. Published in the spring, the magazine features poems, short stories, essays, and visual art by currently enrolled students. Entry deadline for submissions is at the end of the fall semester. Exact dates are posted during the fall semester. Cash prizes are awarded to the first- and second-place winners in each category. Echoes and Images has been consistently recognized for excellence by the Southern Division of the Community College Humanities Association. Tamara Baxter (F235, ext. 3363), Gretchen McCroskey (F233, ext. 3397), James Whorton (F224A, ext. 3427), and Jane Wilson (F229, ext. 3396) are the faculty editors.

Health and Wellness Education - The focus of the Health and Wellness Education program sponsored by Northeast State’s Student Health Services is on health promotion and illness prevention through workshops, distribution of educational materials, and sponsorship of the annual Wellness Fair. Areas addressed each semester include HIV/AIDS prevention, smoking, drugs and alcohol abuse, relationship issues, stress management, diet, and nutrition. Special educational programs and events are scheduled for Alcohol Awareness Week, World AIDS Day, and the Great American Smoke-Out. Sue Robertson (C2113, ext. 3212) is the College Nurse.

Honors Convocation - Northeast State recognizes its outstanding students each academic year during Honors Convocation held at the end of the spring semester. Awards for outstanding students in each academic program area and the overall Northeast State Outstanding Student Award are announced during the ceremony. In addition, students who have made significant contributions in various student life programs are honored. Contact Greg Walters (A213, ext. 3274) for more information and award criteria.

Honors Program - The Honors Program holds as its central purpose and philosophy the stimulation and encouragement of academic excellence and intellectual growth. It strives to bring together dedicated faculty and highly motivated students who share a commitment to the finest qualities of scholarship. The Honors Program is open to new and currently enrolled students who meet eligibility requirements. Honors Program course offerings are listed in the published semester schedule under the Honors heading. Additional information is available from James Whorton (F224A, ext. 3427) who serves as coordinator of the program.

Institutional Standing Committees - Northeast State students have the opportunity to serve on various institutional standing and ad hoc committees that advise, recommend policy, generate new programs, or assess existing programs at the college. These committees are advisory rather than directive. Students are recommended to these committees by the Student Government Association and appointed by the Associate Vice President of Student Affairs. Contact Greg Walters (A213, ext. 3274), SGA advisor, for more information.

Intramural Sports - A variety of intramural sporting activities are scheduled throughout the fall and spring semesters for Northeast State students. Basketball, volleyball, and tennis tournaments are organized for individual and team play and may be sponsored in conjunction with other student organizations or programs. Locations, dates, times, entry fees, and rules are posted for each event along with strict registration deadlines. Contact Chris Steger (A212, ext. 3416) for more information.

The Lyceum - The Lyceum is a lecture series sponsored by the Honors Program at Northeast State. Guest lecturers representing a variety of disciplines and perspectives present programs to stimulate critical thinking and to enlighten students, faculty, staff, and the community. Lectures are free and open to the public. For each semester’s Lyceum schedule, contact James Whorton (F224A, ext. 3427), who serves as coordinator of the Honors Program.

Northeast State at Elizabethton Service Club - The Northeast State at Elizabethton Service Club strives to generate and foster awareness and public interest within the community for Northeast State at Elizabethton. The club provides opportunities for students, staff and faculty to develop leadership skills and to promote civic responsibility by working together through club activities. Contact advisors Joan Willis (Northeast State at Elizabethton, E108, ext. 3530), Gloria McClinton (Northeast State at Elizabethton, Lobby, ext. 3417), or Raylene Steward (C1113, ext. 3415 or Northeast State at Elizabethton, E119, ext. 3454) for more information.

Northeast State National Alumni Association - This association is open to all former students who have taken credit courses at Northeast State or the college by its former name, Tri-Cities State Technical Institute. The mission of the association is to further interest in Northeast State and to foster communication between the college and its alumni. The association holds several events each year that encourage alumni to renew their ties with the institution and to cultivate friendships and professional relationships. Contact Joni Cole (P311, ext. 7637) or Katie Yates (P311A, ext. 3403) for more information.

Northeast State Student Ambassadors - This award-winning, internationally recognized program for student advancement and leadership training is comprised of outstanding Northeast State students who have made significant academic and social contributions to the college and community. The Student Ambassadors serve as an institutional advancement and public relations support group for Northeast State by encouraging student, alumni, and community involvement in the mission of the college. Student Ambassadors are official representatives of Northeast State. Greg Walters (A213, ext. 3274), Karen Keener (P303, ext. 3201), and Chris Steger (A212, ext. 3416) are advisors. For more information, visit http://www.NortheastState.edu/nssa.

Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society - This organization is the international honor society that recognizes and promotes commitment to academic excellence in twoyear colleges. Phi Theta Kappa supports the four hallmarks of Scholarship, Leadership, Service, and Fellowship that are designed to give members opportunities for personal growth as well as service to others. Judith Celentano (F236, ext. 3362) and Kim Crowder (F230, ext. 3394) are the advisors for Northeast State’s Alpha Iota Chi chapter.

Pre-Professional Health Society - Northeast State’s Pre-Professional Health Society exists to enhance members’ knowledge of current developments in various health-related fields, strengthen members’ interpersonal skills, and expose members to a variety of health professions to expand their career opportunities. Students interested in careers in health-related fields, including pre-professional and allied health majors, are encouraged to join. Connie Marshall (Northeast State at Gray, G112, ext. 3680), Laurie Bollman (Northeast State at Gray, G115, ext. 3681), and David Maldon (B204G, ext. 3488) serve as faculty advisors.

President’s Student Advisory Council - The President’s Student Advisory Council provides the president of Northeast State with a student perspective on activities and/or issues prevailing on the campus and makes suggestions and recommendations as deemed appropriate. The council is comprised of 14 members representative of the student body and includes the presidents of the Student Government Association, the Student Ambassadors, and the presidents of eight sanctioned student organizations who are appointed on a rotating basis. Contact Greg Walters (A213, ext. 3274) for more information.

Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME) - This organization promotes the advancement of scientific knowledge in the field of manufacturing. Activities allow the application of knowledge in practice and in educational settings. Established in 1932, SME has more than 200 student chapters worldwide. Sam Rowell (T105B, ext. 3382) is the faculty advisor.

Student Activities - Cocurricular activities such as Fall Finale, Spring Fling, campus-wide fundraisers, student appreciation events, and club fairs are planned each semester to benefit the student body and are sponsored by the Student Government Association. Contact Greg Walters (A213, ext. 3274) or Chris Steger (A212, ext. 3416) for information on each semester’s schedule of activities.

Student Biological Society (SBS) - The Student Biological Society is open to any and all students with an interest in the biological sciences. Participating students expand their knowledge of biology through group discussions, off-campus field trips, and research projects. The society also takes part in campus fundraising events to assist with travel expenses. SBS is an excellent opportunity to build relationships with other students and faculty with a shared interest in the life sciences. Faculty advisors are David Wollert (B204C, ext. 3510), Misty Carriger (B204B, ext. 3511), and Tom McNeil (B204A, ext. 3487).

Student Government Association (SGA) - Northeast State’s Student Government Association strives to improve the quality of student life by representing the student body, providing leadership in the development of campus-wide activities, and promoting communication between students, administration, faculty, and staff. Executive, legislative, and judicial offices (including Student Traffic Court) are available for interested students. Greg Walters (A213, ext. 3274) and Chris Steger (A212, ext. 3416) serve as SGA advisors, while Eric Fish (F217, ext 3462) is the faculty advisor/Faculty Senate liaison.

Student Mathematics League (SML) - The Student Mathematics League exists to strengthen and advance the study, appreciation, and application of mathematics within the Northeast State community, including residents of all ages in the college’s service area. Activities include providing opportunities for students to compete in math contests, engaging students in enjoyable mathematical puzzles and games, sponsoring forums on the historical and future roles of mathematics in society, and establishing a network of tutoring support for the study of mathematics. The organization also hosts math fairs at local elementary schools to encourage mathematics education. Jobriath Kauffman (F115, ext. 3366) is the faculty advisor.

Student Tennessee Education Association (STEA) - The Student Tennessee Education Association helps prepare the education major to assume the role of a teacher and make a smooth transition from the campus to the classroom. This pre-professional organization gives students a “voice in education” by working in conjunction with local, state, and national associations. STEA provides personal growth through community service projects and professional growth through leadership and teamwork opportunities. STEA helps prepare teachers for the challenges of the 21st Century classroom. Contact advisors Mitzi Neeley (F117, ext. 3350), Lisa Poole (F119, ext. 3486), or Tammy Whitehead (F104, ext. 3457) for more information.

Student Traffic Court - The Northeast State Student Traffic Court hears student appeals of tickets resulting from violations of the Traffic and Parking Regulations on the campus. The President of the Student Government Association appoints a Chief Justice and nine students to serve as Student Justices on the Student Traffic Court. The Student Traffic Court meets on the fourth Tuesday of each month for two sessions unless otherwise posted. Students must sign up for a hearing date in the Security Office and must present their tickets to the Student Traffic Court on the date of the hearing. Contact Greg Walters (A213, ext. 3274) or Chris Steger (A212, ext. 3416) for more information.

Students In Free Enterprise (SIFE) - SIFE is a not-for-profit organization that works in partnership with business and higher education whose mission is to provide college students an opportunity to make a difference and to develop leadership, teamwork, and communication skills through learning, practicing, and teaching the principles of free enterprise. The Northeast State SIFE team prepares and presents projects promoting free enterprise during the school year and reports on these projects in a regional competition in the spring. All students, regardless of their major, are encouraged to join the SIFE team or enroll in BSMG 2990 Team Dynamics-SIFE for class credit as a technical elective. Carol Cole (F214, ext. 3424) is the faculty advisor/Sam Walton Fellow. For more information, contact SIFE national headquarters at 1-800-677-SIFE or visit www.SIFE.org.

Tennessee Society of Professional Engineers (TSPE) - The Northeast State Delta Chapter of the Tennessee Society of Professional Engineers supports the study of engineering by informing students of the latest techniques and developments in the field. The chapter also promotes the studies of mathematics and science on campus and within the local community, as well as offering a variety of activities to highlight career paths in engineering. Mark Pollock (B104F, ext. 3506) serves as faculty advisor. Visit www.NortheastState.edu/tspe for more information.

Venturing Crew - The Venturing Crew is open to all currently enrolled Northeast State students, faculty, and staff who enjoy the outdoors. The organization provides opportunities for outdoor high adventure, leadership experiences, and community service in an environment that encourages personal growth. Students plan and implement the Crew’s activities and events. Kurt Kominek (F215, ext. 3383) and John Edens (C2401, ext. 3355) serve as advisors.

Volunteer Northeast State - The purpose of Volunteer Northeast State is to facilitate public and community service opportunities for students at Northeast State. This program and its related student organization provide the framework for experienced- based learning opportunities that develop student leadership and increased social responsibility. Laura Barnett (F219, ext. 3356) and Rick Merritt (C2301, ext. 3691) serve as coordinators/faculty advisors.

Workshops and Seminars - Many departments at Northeast State offer a variety of workshops and seminars throughout each semester that students can attend at no cost. Topics typically include time and stress management, health and wellness, financial aid, college transfer, career planning, and resume writing. Sponsoring offices, locations, dates, and times are posted for each workshop or seminar.

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