2020-2021 Catalog and Student Handbook 
    Oct 22, 2024  
2020-2021 Catalog and Student Handbook [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

General Information

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General Information


Planning the Educational Program


It is the student’s responsibility to select an educational program of study, plan the academic sequencing of courses, register, and successfully complete program requirements that lead to graduation or transfer to other colleges or universities. The faculty and staff at Northeast State take pride in assisting students in program planning and course selection. Students are encouraged to seek advice from faculty teaching in the student’s major. Students who are planning to transfer from Northeast State to a senior institution should secure a copy of that institution’s catalog in planning their educational program/courses to be taken at Northeast State Community College.

Academic Foci


There is a growing body of research that shows the link between student success and students selecting an appropriate program of study. In the Tennessee Board of Regents system, students who begin their studies undecided are much less likely to graduate than those that have a direction - in fact, fewer than half of those students ever choose a degree program before they leave.

Research and data analysis was the impetus for a system-wide adoption of 8 academic foci. These affinity groups of discipline allow a student who has not chosen a specific degree program to instead choose a broad direction for their study that can then be refined. Campus initiatives are being put into place across the Tennessee Board of Regents to ensure that after January 1, 2015, every student will be enrolled in either a degree program or an academic focus.

Academic Foci options include:

Applied Technology
Engineering Technology

Art (Studio), English, Foreign Language, Mass Communication, Music, and Theatre Arts

Accounting, Agriculture- Agriculture Business, Agriculture- Animal Science, Agriculture- Plant and Soil Science, Business Administration, Economics, English, Finance, Foreign Language, International Affairs, Management, Marketing, Mass Communication, Speech Communication, and Sport and Leisure Management

Early Childhood Education (Pre K-3), Nutrition and Food Science, Physical Education, and Special Education

Health Sciences
Exercise Science, Family and Consumer Sciences, Imaging Sciences, Kinesiology, Nutrition and Food Science, Pre-Clinical Laboratory Science, Pre-Dental Hygiene, Pre-Health, Pre-Occupational Therapy, and Pre-Physical Therapy

Anthropology, English, Foreign Language, History, International Affairs, Mass Communication, Philosophy, Psychology, Speech Communication, and Theatre Arts

Social Sciences
Anthropology, Criminal Justice, Economics, Family and Consumer Sciences, History, International Affairs, Political Science, Psychology, Social Work, and Sociology

STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics)
Agriculture- Agriculture Business, Agriculture- Animal Science, Agriculture- Plant and Soil Science, Biology, Chemistry, Civil Engineering, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Engineering Technology, Geosciences, Information Systems, Mathematics, Mechanical Engineering, and Physics

Graduation and Degree Requirements


Northeast State awards the Associate of Arts (AA), Associate of Science (AS), Associate of Applied Science (AAS), and Associate of Science in Teaching (AST) degrees. An academic or technical certificate may be awarded to a student who completes an approved program of study which is less than that required for an associate degree.

To obtain a degree or certificate, students must satisfactorily complete the general requirements established by the college and specific requirements of each applicable program of study.

Applications for graduation are processed through the Office of Admissions and Records. To be eligible for graduation and receive a degree or certificate from Northeast State Community College, the student must:

  1. Complete a minimum of 60 college-level semester hours required for the associate degree and/or the appropriate number of hours required for a certificate.
  2. Earn at least a GPA of 2.0 (C average in all collegiate level courses.)
  3. Fulfill all courses required for the program as outlined in the college catalog, with at least 25 percent of the credit hours for an Associate’s Degree must be completed at Northeast State. A minimum of 25 percent of the total credit hours required for a certificate must be completed at Northeast State. (Students graduating with a degree in ATMAE-accredited programs are required to take a minimum of 12 semester hours of technical coursework at Northeast State.)
  4. Complete and file an Application for Graduation, which can be obtained in the Office of Admissions and Records or at www.NortheastState.edu/graduate.
  5. Resolve all obligations, financial or otherwise, to the college and return all library and college materials.
  6. Students are allowed to graduate by meeting the requirements of the catalog under which they first enrolled providing graduation is within six years of initial enrollment. Degree requirements set forth in a catalog shall remain in effect for the duration of the period identified on the cover of this catalog. No guarantee is implied that these requirements will be contained in total or in part in future requirements for the degree.
  7. Transfer credits used to satisfy Northeast State’s degree requirements will not be averaged with the student’s grade point average at Northeast State for the purpose of calculating the graduation average. Additional concentrations will display on academic transcripts and cannot be added after the initial degree has been conferred.
  8. Students may complete requirements for more than one concentration of study within the degree program by successfully completing all course requirements in both concentrations. A separate application for graduation must be submitted for each concentration.
  9. Students may also complete requirements for more than one degree. A minimum of 16 credit hours beyond the requirements for the first degree must be completed.
  10. Students must complete required competency examinations in specified academic majors. Students may be required to take one or more tests designed to measure general education achievements and achievement in major areas as a prerequisite to graduation for the purpose of evaluation of academic programs. Unless otherwise provided for in an individual program, no minimum score or level of achievement is required for graduation.
  11. As part of the graduation requirements, prospective graduates are encouraged to visit the Career Services Office during the last semester to discuss their present and future plans with a professional staff member.
  12. Students graduating in the fall, spring, and summer semesters will attend the commencement exercises in May unless special permission is granted by the Office of Admissions and Records. Students completing degree/certificate requirements at the end of the fall semester will receive their diploma following their graduating term and their permanent record will be posted as of the semester they graduate. Students completing graduation requirements at the end of the summer semester will receive their diplomas in the fall semester. Students who plan to complete requirements for graduation by the end of the summer term may participate in the spring graduation ceremonies. These students must (1) submit the Application for Graduation and; (2) be within three courses of degree completion.
  13. Northeast State has one commencement ceremony per year which is at the end of the spring semester. Therefore, graduation honors are calculated at the end of the fall semester. This average will be included in the graduation program, the graduation ceremony, and all news releases concerning graduation. Learning Support coursework completed does not count toward the calculation of graduation honors.
  14. Students who do not graduate during the semester that is indicated on the Application for Graduation will have their application voided and must reapply for graduation during the semester in which they intend to graduate.
  15. Students who are participating in the Reverse Transfer must meet all graduation and degree requirements. Degrees will be awarded only if an Associates degree was not obtained prior to the student transferring from Northeast State. Additional degrees and/or concentrations will not be awarded to Reverse Transfer students.

Graduation Honors


Students receiving associate degrees with final cumulative grade point averages of 3.9 to 4.0 will be awarded Summa Cum Laude while those with final cumulative grade point averages of 3.75 to 3.89 will be awarded Magna Cum Laude. Graduates with final cumulative grade point averages of 3.5 to 3.74 will be awarded Cum Laude. Learning Support grade point averages will not count toward calculation of either semester or graduation honors.

Classification of Students


A student enrolled for 12 or more semester hours of credit is classified as full-time. A student enrolled for 9 - 11 semester hours is classified as a three-quarter time student. A student enrolled for 6 - 8 semester hours is classified as a half-time student. A student enrolled in 1 - 5 semester hours is classified as less than half-time. A student will be classified as a freshman until 30 hours of credit are earned. When 30 or more hours are earned, a student is classified as a sophomore.

Student Load


The recommended semester-hour load for the average student is 15 to 16 hours of credit. Any student desiring to take more than 19 semester hours of credit must receive approval prior to registration from their advisor and the Vice President for Academic Affairs or appropriate designee.

Academic and Classroom Misconduct


See policy 03:05:04 Academic, Non-Academic and Classroom Misconduct in Northeast State’s Policies and Procedures Manual.

Registration for Courses


Currently enrolled and readmitted students have the opportunity to register first. Procedures specified at the time must be followed during all registrations. No student is officially enrolled until he/she has completed all requirements of enrollment including the payment of fees. No student shall receive credit for a course for which he/she is not properly registered or paid.

A student may not be allowed to register until all admissions requirements have been met.

Change of Registration


Withdrawing from the College - Withdrawal is defined as complete separation from Northeast State for a particular semester. Students withdrawing must drop all courses through their MyNortheast account or by submitting a request to the Office of Admissions and Records. Failure to follow this procedure may result in a grade of “F” or “FA” being assigned for each course for which the student is registered. Failure to attend class does not constitute a withdrawal. No fee is charged for withdrawals.

Dropping a Class or Classes - A drop is defined as withdrawal from one or more classes for a term but not complete withdrawal from the college. Failure to completely process a drop form or drop a class online may result in the student being assigned a grade of “F” or “FA”. Failure to attend class does not constitute a drop and will result in a grade of “F” or “FA”.

Adding Classes - Classes may be added to a student’s schedule on or before the “last day to add” as noted in the Academic Calendar .  

Waiver of a Prerequisite - Under special circumstances a prerequisite to a course may be waived by the appropriate academic dean. The waiver is granted only when the student demonstrates a fundamental knowledge of the prerequisite course and his/her progress in the course requiring the prerequisite would not be impeded. The waiver of a prerequisite is not to be confused with a course waiver. If the prerequisite waived is a course required in the student’s program, another course must be successfully completed before the associate degree is awarded. No fee is required for a waiver of a prerequisite.

Course Waiver and Substitution - Under special circumstances a course may be waived by the appropriate academic dean (except learning support courses). The waiver is granted when a course deletion or curriculum change necessitates it. A course of equal or greater credit must be taken in lieu of any course waived. Primary consideration must be given to courses from the same discipline as the course waived. No fee is required for a course waiver and substitution.

Attendance Regulations


Regular class attendance is essential to student success in college. Absence from the classroom negatively affects student success and learning outcomes. Northeast State Community College has established the following guidelines which are applicable to all students attending classes both in-person and distance learning.

  1. Attendance at all class sessions and regular participation in any distance learning course for which a student is registered are expected.
  2. Absences will be counted from the first meeting of the class.  Attendance taken on the first class day is used to process students receiving financial aid. Failure to attend each class may delay the receipt of financial aid.
  3. As a minimum, students in all credit courses must be present for at least 70 percent of their scheduled class meetings in order to receive credit for the course.  Note:  Individual faculty, departments, and programs, with the approval of the academic dean, may have more restrictive requirements regarding absences.
  4. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the instructor prior to an absence from class or within 3 business days (or the date defined by the instructor or program) after the absence. The instructor will determine whether an absence is excused or unexcused.
  5. The student is responsible for all work and/or lecture material covered in any missed class session. The instructor will determine whether to accept makeup work for the class.
  6. Students who exhibit a pattern of absences, even if not consecutive, may also be reported as “stopped attending”.  A “stopped attending” designation may be reported to selected student services offices (e.g. Financial Aid Office).
  7. Non-attendance does not constitute a withdrawal from class or from the College. The college has procedures and dates under which drops or withdrawals are permitted. Students should refer to these procedures and dates in this catalog or the term registration guide. Ceasing to attend and not following these procedures will result in a grade of “F” for such course(s).

Credit Hour Definition

Northeast State Community College defines a credit hour as a reasonable approximation of the student learning outcome equivalency of, at a minimum, a Carnegie Unit and employs sound and acceptable practices for determining the amount and level of credit awarded to courses, regardless of format or mode of delivery. Under the 50-minute Carnegie hour, a 1-credit hour course should have approximately 12.5 hours of instructor-led activities in a 15-week semester.

The credit hour at Northeast State Community College is based on the traditional Carnegie hour and a traditional 15-week semester. For example,

50 minutes x 15 weeks = 750 minutes
750 minutes/60 minutes = 12.5 hours
12.5 hours = 1 credit hour

A credit hour is the unit of measurement used to indicate the amount of work represented in achieving intended learning outcomes and verified by evidence of student achievement that reasonably approximates not less than

  • One hour of classroom or direct faculty instruction and a minimum of two hours out-of-class student work each week for approximately fifteen weeks for one semester or the equivalent amount of work over a different amount of time (Accelerated Studies or Cohorts) to achieve the intended learning outcomes.
  • At least an equivalent amount of work as required and outlined above for other academic activities as established by the institution including laboratory, clinical/practicum, cooperative education, and other academic work leading to the award of credit hours.

When added to the two hours per week that students are expected to engage in out-of-class assignments, which are other independent learning activities beyond participation in instructor-led activities (totaling 25 hours in a 15-week semester), students are expected to allocate a minimum of 37.5 hours of academic work per term to earn one credit hour at Northeast State Community College. These standards apply to all on-ground and distance education courses.

For example, for a 3-credit hour lecture course, students are expected to allocate a minimum of 112.5 hours of academic work (37.5 x 3 = 112.5). For a 4-credit hour course, students are expected to allocate a minimum of 150 hours of academic work (37.5 x 4 = 150).

  • Lecture - 1 contact hour=1credit hour.
    Students earn one credit hour for a minimum of 12.5 hours spent in a lecture setting.
  • Laboratories - 2 contact hours=1 credit hour
    Students earn one credit hour for a minimum of 25 hours spent in a laboratory setting.
  • Clinical/Practicum - 3 contact hours=1 credit hour
    Students earn one credit hour for a minimum of 37.5 hours spent in a clinical/practicum setting.
  • Cooperative Education - 10 contact hours=1 credit hour
    Students earn one credit hour for a minimum of 150 hours spent in a cooperative education setting.
  • Other academic work leading to the award of credit hours.

The above examples apply to all courses and programs regardless of the modality or location.

Grading System


A grade is awarded in each credit course. The grade is based on the student’s demonstrated proficiency as determined by the faculty member teaching the course. The following grading system is used at Northeast State Community College (NeSCC Policy 02:11:00):

Grade Description Quality Points
A Work of highest quality


B Work of above-average quality


C Work of satisfactory quality


D Work of minimum acceptable quality


F Work of below minimum acceptable quality


FA Work of below minimum acceptable quality and attendance minimums not met 0

Other markings which may appear on the grade report or transcript:

I - A mark used only for students who cannot complete coursework because of extreme hardship.

IP - A mark meaning In Progress which may be assigned in learning support courses. This is not computed in the overall GPA.

S - A mark assigned which indicates work of acceptable quality. This is not computed in the overall GPA.

N - A mark assigned which indicates work of unacceptable quality. This is not computed in the overall GPA.

W - A mark assigned to indicate withdrawal from a course. This is not computed in the overall GPA.

AU - A mark assigned to indicate an audit in a course. This is not computed in the overall GPA.

Courses graded with “S” or “N” are not computed in the overall grade point average (GPA). Students may take no more than eight (8) hours of coursework where the “S” or “N” grading system is used. The scholastic standing of a student is expressed in terms of quality point ratio. A quality point ratio is the total number of quality points divided by the total number of semester hours attempted less than the number of hours repeated. To meet degree requirements, a student must maintain an overall 2.0-grade point average.

The incomplete grade indicates a student was passing the course at the end of the term. Due to extenuating circumstances, the student was unable to complete the course requirements such as a term paper, outside reading assignments, a project or an examination. The assignment of the “I” grade may be awarded after consultation between the student and the instructor. If it is determined that the grade of “I” is appropriate, the instructor will complete the “I” Grade Assignment Form and both the instructor and the student will sign the form. The form then will be forwarded to the appropriate academic dean for approval. Information on the form will include the nature of the work to be completed, the date for the completion, and any special instructions. A copy of the completed form will be forwarded to the Office of Admissions and Records for the student’s file. In every case, the “I” grade must be completed by the end of the next semester, not including the summer term. Failure to complete the “I” grade agreement within the agreed time will result in a grade of “F” for the course(s). The “I” grade will not replace a previous grade in the same course. A course with an “I” grade will not count as enrolled hours in a subsequent term. Students who encounter severe difficulties in attending classes or completion of assignments prior to the Last Day to Withdraw should consider a withdrawal from the class and/or term.

Final Grade Appeal Procedure


See policy 02:11:02 - Final Grade Appeal in Northeast State’s Policies and Procedures Manual.

Repeating a Course


For the purpose of increasing mastery in a course when such is necessary for successful performance in a subsequent course or for the purpose of increasing the grade point average, a student may repeat a course provided the grade of C or lower was earned in the course to be repeated. The grade received in the repeated course supersedes all previous grades and will be used to determine the student’s grade point average, academic standing, and requirements toward graduation. The hours attempted for repeating a course are counted only once and credited in the semester in which the course was repeated. Students are permitted to repeat a course with the most recent attempt used to calculate the grade point average. Students may be permitted to repeat a course in which a grade of B or higher was earned only with the approval of the Vice President for Academic Affairs. (Financial Aid/Veterans Benefits Note: Students who choose to repeat any courses with a passing grade will not receive financial aid or veterans benefits for those hours.)

Auditing a Course


Any college-level credit course, except for TN eCampus may be audited. In cases where a student has previously received credit in a course, approval to repeat the course on an audit basis must be approved by the academic dean and the Vice President for Academic Affairs. Learning Support courses may not be audited. Students currently enrolled in nursing courses (any NRSG course) may change his/her registration status from enrolled to audit with the Dean of Health Professions permission before or up to the last day to withdraw for the semester. (Financial Aid/Veterans Benefits Note: Students who choose to audit any courses will not receive financial aid or veterans benefits for those hours.)

Academic Dismissal and Retention Standards


A student who fails during any term to attain a cumulative grade-point average (GPA) at or above the level indicated below for the hours attempted (inclusive of any Learning Support courses) will be placed on academic probation for the following term:

Associate/Certificate Degree Programs

Hours   Minimum GPA
00.0-14.0   No minimum
14.1-26.0   1.0
26.1-40.0   1.4
40.1-48.0   1.7
48.1-56.0   1.9
56.1 and above    2.0

Academic Dismissal - Students placed on academic probation must meet the following criteria at the end of their next term of enrollment.

  1. Attain a cumulative grade point average meeting the minimum retention standards.
  2. Attain a 2.0 grade point average for that term.

For students on academic probation, failure to meet one of the above criteria will result in academic dismissal of the student for one term. The summer term does not count as a semester of dismissal.

Students whose cumulative grade point average remains below the minimum retention standard but whose term grade point average continues to be 2.0 or higher will be permitted to re-enroll under probation.

Students who have been academically dismissed may re-enroll following the one term of dismissal. These students are urged to consult with an academic advisor prior to re-enrollment. The summer term does not count as a semester of dismissal.

Appeals - A student who has been academically dismissed from the college may request an appeal through the Admissions Subcommittee of the Academic Affairs Committee. If the student contends there were extenuating circumstances (e.g. errors in his or her transcript, documented medical or psychological problems, court or military duty, etc.) that contributed to the academic dismissal, an appeal for reinstatement may be considered by the committee.

The appeal must be filed with the office of the Vice President for Institutional Excellence and Student Success. If the Admissions Subcommittee grants the reinstatement, the conditions imposed by the committee will be clearly stated. These conditions may include a reduced course load and regular meetings with an advisor or Advising Resource Center personnel.

Students who are placed on academic dismissal receive a letter from the Registrar notifying them of their status and of the appeals process.

Transfer Students - Students on academic dismissal from another college or university must clearly designate this information on their application to the college. Falsifying this information may lead to dismissal. Students who wish to transfer to Northeast State may request an appeal through the Office of Admissions and Records. If the appeal is granted, the student will be admitted on probation and must have a GPA of 2.0 during the initial semester or meet the cumulative GPA requirement. While individual courses may transfer to the college and can count towards fulfilling degree requirements, the number of credit hours and quality points do not count towards calculating the GPA for academic probation and dismissal.

Transcript of Academic Record - The Office of Admissions and Records maintains permanent academic records for each student. Students may request official transcripts in person at the Office of Admissions and Records, by fax, by mail or through MyNortheast. In all cases, financial obligations to the college must be fulfilled before a transcript will be issued. Furthermore, transcript requests will be held for a maximum of 30 days to allow the student time to clear the financial hold; after 30 days, the student must re-submit the transcript request as the previous request will be disregarded. 

Normally, transcripts will be sent within 48-72 hours after receiving the request from a student. During peak periods, please allow up to 5 business days for processing. Students may obtain up to five free printed copies of their transcripts from the Office of Admissions and Records. Additional requests of transcripts will cost $1 each. Unofficial student transcripts can be accessed via MyNortheast.  

Student records are maintained for academic purposes. These records allow the college to validate a student’s academic performance. All requests to review a student’s record require the student’s written authorization, except as provided by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, as amended.

Students will not be able to obtain any official documents given to the Office of Admissions and Records since that document becomes the property of Northeast State Community College. Once an official document has been submitted to the Office of Admissions and Records, the document is imaged and the original document is destroyed.

Criminal Background and Drug Testing


Northeast State’s clinical affiliates and industry partners may require criminal background checks and/or drug testing for all students participating in clinical experiences at their respective sites.  Based on the results of these checks, the clinical facility, not Northeast State, will have the sole discretion to determine whether to approve a student to participate in a clinical at their facility.  A clinical affiliate or industry partner’s decision to deny a student a clinical experience at a site or the subsequent removal of a student from a clinical experience at a site based on the results of a criminal background check or drug test may negatively affect a student’s ability to complete academic program requirements.  To obtain specific instructions for completing the criminal background check and/or drug test, please contact the appropriate academic dean for information.

Honors Program


The purpose of the Honors Program is to provide a greater challenge and a richer experience for able and highly motivated students at Northeast State.

The Honors Program is open to first-time, transfer, and returning students. Admittance to the Honors Program as a first-semester freshman requires an ACT composite score of 25 or an SAT combined score of 1140. Students who have completed 12 hours of college-level coursework with a GPA of 3.25 or higher may apply regardless of ACT or SAT scores.

To continue in the Honors Program, the student must maintain a GPA of 3.25 or higher. Attendance at Honors Lyceum events is also expected, and Honors students are highly encouraged to participate in community service activities and to offer service to the college. Honors classes are marked as such on the student’s transcript. Students who complete 12 hours in the Honors Program will be recognized during the college’s Honors Convocation; graduating students who complete 18 hours of Honors coursework with a GPA of 3.25 or higher will receive diplomas noting completion of the Honors Program.

An Honors Program Annual Scholarship is available to an Honors Program student enrolled in a minimum of nine hours of Honors Program courses each term with a GPA of 3.25 or higher.

For more information, contact Dr. Jane Honeycutt, Assistant Vice President for Teaching Excellence and Academic Services at jbhoneycutt@NortheastState.edu, by telephone at 423.354.2596, and visit the Honors Program website by clicking here.

Honors List


Students passing a minimum of 12 semester hours of college-level coursework during the fall or spring semester at Northeast State with a grade point average of 4.0 will be named to the President’s Academic Honors List. Students earning a 3.50-3.99 grade point average will be named to the Vice President’s Academic Honors List.

Language Services

Northeast State strives to ensure that all faculty and staff communicate effectively with all members of the campus community and visitors. Therefore, Northeast State utilizes a language services system that assists designated staff and/or faculty with translation services. Northeast State identifies at least one person at each campus to assist with language services. Additional information is available by emailing complianceofficer@NortheastState.edu.

Learning Support Program (LSP)


The Learning Support Program is designed to enhance academic success in college-level courses and to increase the likelihood of program completion.

Assessment and Placement Procedures


Proper placement in reading, writing, and mathematics is absolutely essential for success in college. Placement is based on a variety of assessment measures in accordance with TBR Learning Support Policy 2:03:00:02.


  Degree-Seeking First-time Students

  • Entering students who do not present valid ACT or SAT scores or who do not show proficiency in reading, math or English will be placed into the appropriate subject area co-requisite learning support course(s) as defined by academic program requirements.
  • Students have the option to challenge placement in learning support courses by taking the ACCUPLACER test.
  • Scores used for initial assessment must have been earned within 5 years prior to the first day of the student’s entering term. 

Degree-Seeking Transfer Students 

  • Transfer students whose transcripts lack acceptable college-level work in reading, math, or English may do one of the following:
    • Submit valid ACT or SAT scores.
    • Take the ACCUPLACER assessment test to determine college readiness.
    • Enroll in the appropriate subject area co-requisite learning support course(s) as defined by academic program requirements.

Readmitted Students

  • Students who have not attempted college-level English, math, or reading-intensive courses or who do not have valid standard test scores will be placed into the appropriate subject area co-requisite learning support course(s) as defined by the academic program requirements.
  • Students have the option to challenge placement by taking the ACCUPLACER test.
  • Students who have earned an “F” in a learning support course do not have the option to challenge placement in that subject area.

Special Students:  Non-degree Seeking

  • Students who change to degree-seeking status will be assessed under guidelines for degree-seeking students.
  • Students desiring to take one or more courses for personal or professional development must satisfy all learning support and college-level pre-requisites as listed in the course descriptions.

ACT/SAT Placement
The ACT score is the primary screening tool for determining college-level placement. Students may present SAT scores in lieu of ACT scores. The tables below list the appropriate placement for ACT and SAT Subscores.


ACT Test Cutoff Range Course
English 1-17 Additional Writing Placement Test Required or Learning Support Coursework
  18-36 College Level English
Reading 1-18 Additional Reading Placement Test Required or Learning Support Coursework
  19-36 No Developmental Reading Required
Mathematics 1-18 Additional Math Placement Test Required or Learning Support Coursework
  19-36 College Level Mathematics
SAT 1 Test Cutoff Range Course
Reading & Writing
489-below Additional Writing Placement Test Required or Learning Support Coursework
490-above College Level English
Reading & Writing
499-below Additional Reading Placement Test Required or Learning Support Coursework
500-above No Developmental Reading Required
Mathematics 499-below Additional Math Placement Test Required or Learning Support Coursework
  500-above College Level Mathematics

Valid ACT/SAT scores are those earned within five years prior to the first day of a student’s entering term.

The ACCUPLACER assessment is a computerized battery of standardized tests covering reading, writing, and math skills. Placement is based on statewide standards for the various subject areas.

There is a testing fee for assessments. The fee may be paid on the day of the scheduled test at the Cashier’s office located in the Office of Admissions and Records on the Blountville campus, or at any Northeast State campus. Students may go online to www.NortheastState.edu/Testing for testing information or to schedule the ACCUPLACER test. Students may call 423.354.2587 when they have questions related to testing.

Placement Challenge
Students who have not attempted learning support courses at Northeast State or any other TBR institution may challenge their ACCUPLACER placement via the following measures:

  1. One retest is allowed. A minimum one-week waiting period may be required prior to retesting and students may only retest one time in any subject area.
  2. Northeast State provides online review materials for all subject areas. Students should avail themselves of this opportunity for review prior to retesting.
  3. For additional information about placement challenge contact the Director of Learning Support.

Program Design


Courses for Learning Support
Courses in writing, reading, and mathematics comprise the Learning Support Program curriculum.

Writing   ENGL 0870 - Basic and Developmental Writing (Learning Support)    
Reading   READ 0870 - Basic and Developmental Reading (Learning Support)    
Mathematics   MATH 0010 - Principles of Applied Math    
    MATH 0030 - College Mathematics Principles    
  MATH 0050 - Principles of Trig Apps     
  MATH 0530 - Statistics Principles    

Learning Support Mathematics consists of five Tennessee Board of Regents (TBR) competency modules, which are included in all math learning support courses.

  • Module 1: Real Number Sense and Operations
  • Module 2: Operations with Algebraic Expressions
  • Module 3: Solving Equations
  • Module 4: Analyze Graphs
  • Module 5: Modeling and Critical Thinking

Students whose program of study includes a college-level mathematics course take one of the following math learning support courses based on program requirements: MATH 0010 MATH 0030 MATH 0050 MATH 0530 .

Students whose program of study does not include a college-level mathematics course may take individual modules with the approval of the appropriate academic dean.

The learning support courses are not intended for transfer, nor do they satisfy degree-credit requirements for any associate degree or academic/technical certificate program. Course descriptions and credit hours are included in the course description section of the catalog under the subject areas.

Advisement of Learning Support students is under the direction of the Learning Support Director in accordance with the academic divisions. Each student is assigned a faculty advisor in his/her selected area of study.

Tutorial Instruction
Tutorial assistance is available in The Learning Center. Additionally, students may qualify for individual tutoring via other services on campus.

Additional Program Information


The Director of Learning Support is charged with the administration and oversight of the Learning Support Program. Academic deans work with the Director in making decisions regarding courses, advisement, and other program elements.

Completion of learning support requirements at any TBR institution will be honored at all TBR institutions regardless of credit hours assigned to individual courses. Equivalent courses completed at non-TBR institutions will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

Students whose placement assessment indicates a need for learning support courses should complete these courses during the initial terms of enrollment.

In learning support courses a grade of C or higher is required for successful completion.

Because withdrawal from learning support courses delays completion of the student’s intended program of study, withdrawal is discouraged except in serious circumstances such as a death in the family, accident or long-term illness. Students must seek approval to withdraw from co-requisite learning support and college-level courses.

Grades to be assigned in learning support courses are “A”, “B”, “C”, “F”, “I” (incomplete), and “W” (withdrawal). (There is no “D” grade assigned for learning support courses.) Learning Support courses may not be audited.


Other Academic Services


Apprenticeships offer the opportunity for students to gain a nationally recognized U.S. Department of Labor Apprenticeship credential. The program combines required training instruction with a structured on-the-job learning process. U.S. Department of Labor apprenticeship programs sponsored by Northeast State are available in selected areas in advanced and business technology.

Office of Information Technology

The purpose of the Office of Information Technology (OIT) at Northeast State is to establish organization, procedures, and processes linking computing services to the overall goals and purposes of the institution. The department provides services and assistance to students, faculty, and staff for the purpose of improving efficiency and effectiveness of job performance and student achievement. OIT also provides assistance and information for academic areas relating to innovations in computing as well as a research source for students and faculty in the discovery, utilization, and assessment of new technologies.

Career & Workforce Development Center


Northeast State’s Career & Workforce Development Center serves the students and alumni of Northeast State Community College in all aspects of career counseling and professional planning. A dedicated staff is available to assist with resume development, cover letters, interviewing and job search. Additionally, the office can assist individuals with clarifying their objectives and establishing career goals, which will enable them to fulfill their personal potential. Career Services has a full range of programs and services to help you find and achieve your goals. To schedule an appointment contact us at 423.354.5229 or careersvcs@NortheastState.edu.

Cooperative Education and Internship Opportunities


Cooperative education enables students to gain actual work experience in a chosen field and to receive academic credit and potential monetary compensation for the experience. Educational theories and concepts are exemplified through specific work-related skills, job functions, and on-the-job responsibilities. The work assignment must be closely related to the student’s major field of study as determined by the student’s faculty advisor and appropriate division dean.

Eligibility requirements for participation in the co-op program include: a 2.80 minimum cumulative GPA and the completion of 12 credit hours of core courses in a major field of study.

Credit received for cooperative education per semester is: 1 credit for 10 hours work per week; 2 credits for 20 hours work per week; 3 credits for 30 hours work per week; and 4 credits for 40 hours work per week.

The Learning Center


The Learning Center, located on the first floor of the Wayne G. Basler Library, provides drop-in tutoring and online resources in a wide variety of subject areas. Professional and peer tutors assist students as requested. Services are also available during select hours at other campuses. For information about hours of operation and services provided or to view the tutor schedule visit http://apps.NortheastState.edu/tlc/. The Center can also be reached by calling 423.354.5112.

Library Services


The Wayne G. Basler Library provides the learning resources and ancillary services in support of the college’s academic programs at all locations. Special emphasis is also placed on providing materials and services to citizens in the college’s service area.

Operating from a state-of-the-art facility with 55,000 square feet covering three floors, the Basler Library makes available to students, faculty, staff, and community members a wide variety of materials and services for educational purposes, research and reference interests, career studies, personal enrichment, and recreational reading. In addition to traditional material holdings and seating for approximately 500 people, there are conference rooms, computer lab, faculty reading rooms, group study rooms, classrooms, and an art display area. The Library also houses The Learning Center which provides students with tutorial assistance in any of their classes, the Center for Teaching and Learning which provides the support infrastructure for Northeast State’s STEPs Ahead (Strategies for Teaching Excellence Program) initiative, the Honors Institute which is a learning community where students can collaborate and study, and Media Services with its multimedia development lab and production studio.

The Basler Library has a multi-functional website which provides a public access catalog and discovery service as well as a variety of learning/information resources to all Library users. Access to the Library’s eBooks and databases is available to students, faculty, and staff regardless of location or modality. Also, all Library users have access to reference Librarians in person or by telephone, email, online chat, or text message.

The Basler Library has locations and resources at our other Northeast State teaching sites located throughout the area. All students and faculty can use the Library Catalog and discovery service to request that materials from the Blountville campus be delivered to these sites. Reference Librarians visit the Learning Resource Centers at most teaching sites semi-monthly as well as make visits to all four teaching site locations to provide bibliographic instruction on an as-requested basis.

Northeast State at Kingsport: Center for Higher Education Building.
The Learning Resource Center is located in room 331 on the third floor of the Kingsport Center for Higher Education. The center is an open computer lab and is staffed by a Library Assistant. It offers access to some reference materials and the Library’s online resources.

Northeast State at Elizabethton
The Learning Resource Center is located in room E100 and is an open computer lab with access to some reference materials and the Library’s online resources.

Northeast State at Gray
The Learning Resource Center is located in room G104 and is an open computer lab with access to the Library’s online resources.

Northeast State at Johnson City
The Learning Resource Center is located in room JC1022 and is an open computer lab with access to the Library’s online resources.

Library materials are available in a variety of formats: books, periodicals, DVDs, CDs, videotapes, electronic books (eBooks), online databases, and the Web. Along with traditional reference and reader’s advisory services, the Library offers bibliographic instruction, interlibrary loan, multimedia equipment, computers, wireless laptops for in-house use, and wireless access for personal devices. A shared library automation system and discovery service with East Tennessee State University (ETSU) and a statewide courier service allow for enhanced access to other resources. For more information, call 423.354.2429 or visit https://library.northeaststate.edu.