2009-2010 Catalog and Student Handbook 
    Oct 18, 2024  
2009-2010 Catalog and Student Handbook [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Organizations

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Tennessee Board of Regents policy, applicable to all institutions in the State University and Community College System of Tennessee, provides minimum standards for the registration and conduct of student organizations. Student organizations such as student government associations, associated student body organizations, and professional and honor societies may be sponsored by the college or organizations officially registered by the institution. Organizations which may be registered to operate on campus include the following:

  • Honors and leadership organizations and recognition societies;
  • Departmental organizations and professional fraternities and sororities;
  • Special interest groups (political, religious, athletic, etc.).

Registration of a student organization by Northeast State shall neither constitute nor be construed as approval or endorsement by the college.

General Guidelines

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  1. Student organizations may not conduct activities at any college facility unless the organization has been officially registered by the institution.
  2. The institution shall not be responsible for injuries or damages to persons or property resulting from activities of student organizations or for any debts or liabilities incurred by such organizations.
  3. Student organizations shall not deny membership to any person on the basis of age, race, color, sex, religion, disability, national origin or veteran status, provided that social fraternities and sororities may have sex restricted membership.
  4. Student organizations shall not engage in or condone any form of hazing, including but not limited to harassment of any person by exacting unnecessary, disagreeable or difficult work; by banter, ridicule or criticism; or by abusive or humiliating acts.
  5. Student organizations shall be vicariously responsible and liable for the conduct and actions of each member of the organization while acting in the capacity of a member or while attending or participating in any activity of the organization.

Criteria for Registration of Organization

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  1. Any proposed student organization shall be open to all students of the institution who otherwise meet membership requirements. Membership in the organization shall be limited to currently enrolled students, provided that organizations may include faculty and staff of the college and/or spouses of students, faculty and staff and provided further that professional organizations may include members of the professional and business communities as members.
  2. A proposed organization must represent the interests of the members, and the control of the organization must be within the local campus group.
  3. The proposed organization must agree to comply with all policies, regulations and procedures established by the Tennessee Board of Regents and the college and with all federal and state laws and regulations.
  4. The proposed organization must not: (a) have illegal aims and goals; (b) propose activities which would violate any federal/state, Tennessee Board of Regents or institution laws/regulations or which will materially and substantially disrupt the work and discipline of the institution; or (c) advocate incitement of lawless action.
  5. The proposed organization must have the minimum of 10 charter members designated by the college and there must be a demonstration of continuous interest in the purposes of the organization sufficient to afford registration on a long-term basis. The college may grant temporary registration to an organization for a limited period of time.
  6. New organizations may be denied registration where the purposes are within the scope of a currently registered organization. No organization may use the same name or a name which is misleading and similar to the name of a currently registered organization.
  7. The organization must provide for the distribution of funds and assets in the event of dissolution.
  8. Student organizations must not use the college name to imply institutional sanctioning of the organizations’ specific activities.

Procedure for Registration of Organizations

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  1. In order to become registered as a student organization, a group must meet the criteria set forth above and must provide to the college a minimum of the following:
    1. An application or request to establish the organization on the form designated by the college.
    2. The proposed constitution and bylaws of the organization, which must clearly contain the following: the name, purpose, proposed activities, and rules of membership of the organization, the officers, their terms and methods of selection, the proposed nature and frequency of meetings and activities, and the financial plans of the organization, including any proposed fees, dues, and assessments.
    3. The names and signatures of the charter members of the organization.
    4. The names of the faculty advisor and/or the administrative officers of the college who will sponsor the organization.
    5. A statement of assurance of compliance by the organization that it will comply with all rules and regulations, policies and procedures of the Tennessee Board of Regents and the college and with all federal and state laws and regulations.
  2. The application, proposed constitution and other required documents must be submitted to the Center for Student Development and Activities. Recommendation regarding registration of a proposed organization will be forwarded to the Vice President for Student Affairs, the Vice President for Academic Affairs, and the President of the College for approval.
  3. The Vice President for Student Affairs may require the sponsors to clarify information, resubmit the application or appear at a hearing for the purpose of obtaining additional information concerning the purposes, aims, or proposed activities of the organization.

Nature and Conditions of Registration

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  1. Registration of a student organization for other than a temporary period will be on an annual basis only, effective until the beginning of the next fall term, and shall be subject to annual renewal.
  2. Annual renewal of registration of an organization shall be dependent upon the organization’s demonstration of the following:
    1. Adherence to the purposes, aims, and activities as stated in the approved constitution and bylaws;
    2. Adherence to the requirements for initial registration;
    3. Compliance with all rules and regulations of the college, the Tennessee Board of Regents, and all federal and state laws;
    4. Submission of all changes in the constitution and bylaws to the college for approval;
    5. Maintenance of a current list of officers, faculty advisors, and sponsors;
    6. Submission of all required financial and other reports to the college


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  1. The college requires all organizations to submit an annual report concerning its programs and activities during the preceding year to the Center for Student Development and Activities.
  2. The college requires all organizations to submit an annual financial report reflecting all revenues received and disbursed by the organization. Interim financial reports or such reports concerning any fund-raising activity of the organization, may be requested at any time. This report is necessary for renewal of registration.

Probation, Suspension, and Withdrawal of Registration

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  1. Any organization may be placed on probation, be suspended, or have its registration withdrawn by the college for any of the following reasons:
    1. The organization fails to maintain compliance with the initial requirements for registration;
    2. The organization ceases to operate as an active organization;
    3. The organization requests withdrawal of registration;
    4. The organization operates or engages in any activity in violation of rules and regulations of the institution, the Tennessee Board of Regents or federal or state laws;
    5. The organization fails to submit any required reports.
  2. An organization which is placed on probation may continue to hold meetings but may not sponsor any activity or program. An organization which is placed under suspension may not engage in or sponsor any activity or program, and may not hold meetings. When registration of an organization is withdrawn, the organization will cease.
  3. In the event an organization is placed on probation, is suspended, or has its registration withdrawn on the basis of Section 1, subparagraph d, the organization shall be afforded the opportunity for a hearing before the Vice President for Student Affairs.

Officers of Student Organizations

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No student who is under academic or social suspension from the college shall be eligible to become or maintain the status of an officer of an organization.

Fiscal Procedures

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  1. Each organization shall maintain a sound financial system related to the collection and disbursement of revenues. An organization may be subject to audit by representatives of the college at any time, and appropriate financial records shall be maintained for the purposes of audit.
  2. Each organization shall designate an officer of the organization who is responsible for the collection and disbursement of funds and the maintenance of books and records.
  3. Chartered groups at Northeast State must adhere to the financial procedures for student organizations as described in the college’s policies and procedures. These policies and procedures are available in the Center for Student Development and Activities, Student Services Building, A212.

Programs and Activities

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  1. The use of any campus property or buildings by an organization shall be subject to the rules and regulations of the TBR and Northeast State Technical Community College concerning use of property and facilities. All organizations registered pursuant to this policy shall be “affiliated organizations” for the purposes of any Board or college policies concerning use of campus property and facilities.
  2. Except for routine meetings of the organization, no on-campus program or activity shall be engaged in unless approved by the designated bodies and/or officials of the college, and the college may require prior approval for off-campus programs and activities. Prior to approval, the college may require a specified number of officials or security officers for any event, activity or program. Requests for activities should be submitted on the “Campus Organization Request for Special Activity” form available in the Center for Student Development and Activities, A212.
  3. Any fund-raising activity on campus shall be for the benefit of the organization as a whole or a charity. Funds shall not be distributed to the officers or members for personal profit or gain. Fund-raising activities must be approved in advance. Student organizations desiring to conduct fund-raising activities must initiate a request to raise funds through the Center for Student Development and Activities, A212.
  4. No guest speakers shall be invited to the campus except pursuant to policies of the Tennessee Board of Regents and the college.

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