2010-2011 Catalog and Student Handbook 
    Feb 06, 2025  
2010-2011 Catalog and Student Handbook [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Costs and Financial Aid

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All fees are payable at the time of registration each semester. Registration dates and payment due dates are listed in a registration guide published prior to the beginning of each semester. Student schedules are deleted if fees are not paid by the applicable due date. Registration is incomplete until all fees are paid and no student may be admitted to classes without having met all financial obligations. Students whose fees are paid by an outside source must ensure that all appropriate paperwork from the paying agency is on file in the Office of Financial Aid prior to the last day to pay for early registration.

There is a $30 charge for any check returned to Northeast State. A student who has not redeemed a returned check for fees within 10 days after being notified by the Business Office will be administratively withdrawn from school. Receipt of three bad checks from any person will result in that person becoming ineligible to make payments by check thereafter. No student may re-enroll, graduate or receive a transcript or grades until all financial obligations to Northeast State are met. All charges are subject to subsequent audit. Errors will be corrected by refund or additional charge.

The Business Office is located on the first floor of the Pierce Administration Building at the Northeast State campus in Blountville. Regular office hours are Monday-Thursday,
8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., and Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. when classes are in session. When classes are not in session, office hours are Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. By sending your completed, signed check to Northeast State Community College (NeSCC), you authorize NeSCC to copy your check and to use the account information from your check to make a one-time electronic fund transfer from your account for the same amount as the check.  Funds will be withdrawn from your account within 24 hours and you will not receive your check back from your financial institution. The electronic fund transfer from your account will be on the account statement you receive from your financial institution.  Copies will be held no longer than sixty (60) days. Cash, checks, money orders, Mastercard, Visa, Discover, and American Express are accepted. Payments using the above methods may be made in person at the business office or via the Internet from the Northeast State website NORSTAR system. When using the Internet option an additional pay by web-check option is available.

Please call the Business Office at 423.354.2511 with any questions concerning payment of fees.


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Credit and Audit Course Costs – Each student registering for college courses on a credit or audit basis pays maintenance fees, a campus access fee, a student activity fee, and a technology fee each semester. In addition, if the student is not domiciled in Tennessee, out-of-state tuition is also charged. Contact the Business Office for current fee rates.

Fee Rates – Tennessee Residents

Part-time (fewer than 12 hours)
Maintenance Fee    $111 per credit hour
Campus Access Fee   $5 per semester
Student Activity Fee   $23 per semester
Technology Access Fee   $12 per credit hour, $113 maximum
Full-time (12 or more credit hours)
Maintenance Fee 1-12 credit hours   $111 per credit hour
Maintenance Fee 13 or more credit hours   $6 per credit hour
Campus Access Fee   $5 per semester
Student Activity Fee   $23 per semester
Technology Access Fee   $12 per credit hour, $113 maximum

Fee Rates – Non-State Residents

Part-time (fewer than 12 hours)
Maintenance Fee    $111 per credit hour*
Out-of-state Tuition   $349 per credit hour*
Campus Access Fee   $5 per semester
Student Activity Fee   $23 per semester
Technology Access Fee   $12 per credit hour, $113 maximum
Full-time (12 or more credit hours)
Maintenance Fee 1 -12 credit hours   $111 per credit hour
Maintenance Fee 13 or more credit hours   $6 per credit hour
Out-of-state Tuition 1 - 12 credit hours   $349 per credit hour
Out-of-state Tuition 13 or more credit hours   $18 per credit hour
Campus Access Fee   $5 per semester
Student Activity Fee   $23 per semester
Technology Access Fee   $12 per credit hour, $113 maximum

*The fees are in effect fall semester 2009 and are subject to change by the Tennessee Board of Regents. Please refer to the semester registration guide or call 423.354.2511 to verify current rates after the fall semester 2009. There is no maximum maintenance fee or out-of-state tuition fee charge for summer semester or intersession courses. All fees are calculated on the per hour charges per credit hours taken.

**Students are classified as resident or non-resident by the Office of Admissions and Records for the purpose of assessing tuition charges. The definition of residency as determined by the Tennessee Board of Regents will apply. A student once classified as an out-of-state student will continue to be thus classified unless a change of legal residence is established by evidence other than presence as a student. The burden of proof of all conditions pertaining to residence is placed upon the student, including the responsibility for submission of documentation required by Northeast State. If there is any question as to in-state residency at the time of registration, the student will be classified as out-of-state and will be charged out-of-state tuition. Information about residency classification may be obtained from the Office of Admissions and Records. Students have the right to appeal the assignment of residency status to the Vice President for Student Affairs.

Additional Special Fees

Application Fee    $10
Late Registration/Late Payment Fee   $10
Returned Check Fee   $30
Diploma Replacement Fee   $15
Identification Card Replacement   $5
Traffic Fines
Parking (Fire lane)   $50
Parking (Restricted)   $10/1st, $15/ 2nd, $25/3rd, $50/4th and each subsequent ticket
Moving Violations   $50
Disabled Parking Violation   $200
Failure to Display Hang Tag   $10
Library Fines
Replacement Fines   Replacement Cost +$10 for books, $10 for periodicals
Repair Fines   Repair Cost + $10 Telecourse Fees
Telecourse Fee   $10.00 per Telecourse
Audiovisual Equipment   Replacement Cost + $10
Telecourse Materials   Replacement and Dubbing Cost + $10
Note: $10.00 processing fees are non-refundable.
Test Fees
ACT Test Fee    $31
COMPASS Retest   $20
COMPASS Scheduling Fee   $5
Credit by Exam Test Fee   $15 per credit hour
GED Test Fee   $65
GED Retest Fee   $13 per section
*All special fees are subject to change by the Tennessee Board of Regents.

Fee Waivers/Fee Discounts

  1. Tennessee Board of Regents fee waiver allows a regular full-time employee of the TBR system or the UT system to take one (1) course per term free of charges including tuition, maintenance fees, student activity fees, or registration fees provided space is available. The student is responsible for the campus access fee. This waiver applies for undergraduate or graduate courses offered through any TBR institution or a University of Tennessee institution. For purposes of this waiver, one course means one course regardless of the credit hours associated with the course. TBR employees registered for more than one course in the same term are financially responsible for the additional course(s). The TBR/UT employee is considered in-state for fee purposes.
  2. Children, 26 years of age or under, or spouses of regular full-time TBR employees may enroll and receive a 50 percent discount on applicable maintenance fees, student activity fees, or registration fees. The student must be a recognized dependent and the TBR employee must be a regular employee defined as receiving full benefits. For purposes of this waiver, children and spouses are considered in-state for fee purposes. Children, 26 years or under, or spouses of regular full-time UT employees may enroll for a 50 percent discount of maintenance fees.
  3. Employees of the State of Tennessee may take one course per term, regardless of the credit hours, free of charge provided space is available. These employees should be full-time employees of the executive, judicial, or legislative branch of Tennessee state government scheduled to work 1,950 hours per year (full-time for 12 months) and have been employed for at least six months. The student is responsible for the campus access fee.
  4. Children of full-time state employees may receive a 25 percent reduction of maintenance fees provided such children are less than 24 years of age.
  5. Children, under 24 years of age, whose parent was killed on the job or in the line of duty while a full-time state employee of Tennessee, are eligible for a 25 percent discount on maintenance fees.
  6. Children, under 24 years of age, whose parent is a retired employee of Tennessee is eligible for 25 percent reduction on maintenance fees.
  7. Children, under 24 years of age, of full-time certified public teachers will receive a 25 percent discount on applicable maintenance fees for each term enrolled. Certified refers to teachers, supervisors, principals, superintendents, and other certified personnel who are licensed by the Tennessee Department of Education and employed by any local board of education, for service in public, elementary and secondary schools in Tennessee supported in whole or in part by state funds.
  8. Part-time students who are not domiciled in Tennessee, but who are employed full-time in the state, are to be classified in-state for fee purposes. Students may be employed by more than one in-state employer resulting in the equivalent of full-time employment.
  9. An unemancipated (dependent) currently enrolled student shall not be reclassified out-of-state should his/her parent, having been domiciled in the state, move from the state. The student will not be required to pay out-of-state tuition as long as his/her enrollment is continuous.
  10. Military personnel and their spouses stationed in the state of Tennessee who would be classified out-of-state in accordance with other provisions will remain classified out-of-state but will not be required to pay out-of-state tuition. This provision will not apply to military personnel and spouses who are stationed in Tennessee for educational purposes.
  11. An unemancipated (dependent) person whose parent is not domiciled in Tennessee but is a member of the armed forces and is stationed in the state pursuant to military orders shall be classified out-of-state but shall not be required to pay out-of-state tuition. The student shall not be required to pay out-of-state tuition if the parent(s) are transferred on military orders as long as his/her enrollment is continuous.
  12. Persons who live in Scott or Washington County, Virginia, or Mitchell or Watauga County, North Carolina, may attend Northeast State without paying out-of-state tuition. The program has limited openings.
  13. Disabled persons and persons 60 years of age and older who are domiciled in Tennessee may enroll in classes for audit without payment of maintenance fees. Enrollment as an audit student is subject to availability of space in the class(es). The student is responsible for the campus access fee.
  14. Disabled persons and persons 65 years of age and older who are domiciled in Tennessee may enroll in courses for credit without payment of maintenance fees, but are subject to a service fee not to exceed $70.00 per semester. The student is responsible for the campus access fee.
  15. Certain statutory fee exceptions exist for dependents or spouses of veterans of the military who died as a direct result of injuries received, or were officially reported as being either a prisoner of war or missing in action while serving honorably as a member of the United States Armed Forces during a qualifying period of armed conflict.

NOTE: Fee waivers are only active for the current semester and are not retroactive. A new waiver must be submitted each semester.


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General Refund Policy – Northeast State will refund a portion of the maintenance and out-of-state tuition to any student who officially drops, withdraws, or is dismissed from a course(s) within the drop/withdrawal deadline. Official withdrawal date for calculating refunds will be based on the date the withdrawal form is received in the Office of Admissions and Records. Refunds are disbursed at the end of the refund period and will be mailed. Refer to the current semester registration guide for specific refund periods.

Refund amounts will be calculated per the following provisions:

  1. One hundred percent (100 percent) of maintenance fees, tuition, and other registration fees will be refunded for classes canceled by the institution.
  2. One hundred percent (100 percent) of maintenance fees, tuition, and other registration fees will be refunded for withdrawals processed through the last day prior to the first day of classes.
  3. One hundred percent (100 percent) of maintenance fees, tuition, and other registration fees will be refunded in case of death of a student.
  4. The basic refund for withdrawals or drops during regular terms (fall and spring) is 75 percent of maintenance fees and out-of-state fees only from the start of classes through the fourteenth calendar day. From the 14th day up to 25 percent of the length of the term, the refund will be 25 percent of maintenance fees and out-of-state fees only. There is no refund after the 25 percent period ends. Please note: Technology fees, On-line course fees, Campus Access Fees, and Activity Fees are non-refundable in refund periods less than 100%.
  5. For summer sessions and other short terms, the 75 percent refund period and the 25 percent refund period will extend a length of time proportionate to the 75 percent and 25 percent periods of the regular terms. Exact dates are published in the registration guide.
  6. A full refund (100 percent) is provided to students who are compelled by Northeast State to withdraw when it is determined that through Northeast State’s error they were academically ineligible for enrollment or were not properly admitted to enroll for the course(s) being dropped. In each case, an appropriate official must certify in writing that the provision is applicable.
  7. When a course is included in a regular term’s registration process for administrative convenience but the course does not begin until later in the term, the 75 percent/25 percent refunds will be based on the particular course’s beginning and ending dates. This provision does not apply to classes during the fall or spring terms which may meet only once per week. Those courses will follow the same refund dates as other regular courses for the term.
  8. In those cases where an institutional refund of tuition and fees occurs, the application of those funds shall be in accordance with Institutional Policy 04:36:00, Application of Refund Due to Drops and/or Withdrawals. This policy is located in the Student Financial Aid Handbook.
  9. Students who register for more than 12 hours and subsequently drop to less than 12 hours or withdraw from the institution during a fee adjustment period will be assessed a prorated fee for the dropped hours.

Refund Appeals Process - Students may appeal a refund by submitting a refund appeal form to the Business Office. Refund appeal requests will be decided by the Business Manager. The student will be notified in writing of the decision within 10 working days of receipt of the written appeal request. Students may appeal the decision of the Business Manager to the Vice President for Business Affairs by submitting a written request for a refund appeal review to the Vice President for Business Affairs. The student will be notified in writing of the Vice President’s decision within 10 working days of receipt of the request for refund appeal review.

Return of Title IV Funds – Refund of fees for students who receive assistance from Title IV financial aid programs are returned to each grant and/or loan account in accordance with applicable federal regulations when students totally withdraw or stop attending all classes at Northeast State. Return of Title IV Funds policies that apply to students who receive assistance under Title IV financial aid programs can be obtained from the Office of Financial Aid.

Eligibility for Deferment of Payment of Tuition and Fees by certain eligible students – Certain eligible students receiving U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs or other governmentally funded educational assistance benefits may be eligible for a deferment of payment of tuition and fees. Service members, veterans and dependents of veterans who are eligible beneficiaries of U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs education benefits or other governmentally funded educational assistance, subject to the conditions and guidelines set forth in Tennessee Code Annotated 49-7-104 as amended, may elect, upon formal application, to defer payment of required tuition and fees until the final day of the term for which the deferment has been requested. Application for the deferment must be made no later than 14 days after the beginning of the term, and the amount of the deferment shall not exceed the total monetary benefits to be received for the term. Students who have been granted deferments are expected to make timely payments on their outstanding tuition and fees balance once education benefits are being delivered, and eligibility for such deferment shall terminate if the student fails to abide by any applicable rule or regulation, or to act in good faith in making timely payments. This notice is published pursuant to Public Chapter 279, Acts of 2003, effective July 1, 2003.

Non-Credit Program Costs

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Non-credit course fees are listed with each course description on the college webpage and the course announcement. Course fees are payable by credit card (Master Card, Visa, Discover, and American Express), cash, money order, or company purchase order. State employee, senior citizen, and disabled person fee waiver policies as well as federal financial aid do not apply to non-credit programs.

Registration for non-credit courses is not complete until receipt of course fees or written authorization to invoice a third party. Course enrollment must meet the minimum number required.

Withdrawal and Refunds for Non-Credit Courses

Instructor Led Non-Credit Courses

For non-credit, instructor led classes, course fees are refunded should Northeast State cancel a class.

Fees for non-credit courses are not refundable after the registration deadline listed in the course announcement on the website. Confirmed registrants may send an instructor approved substitute.

Confirmed registrants in non-credit, instructor led classes who do not attend the course or who do not cancel by the registration deadline listed on the course announcement are responsible for the entire registration fee.

Online Non-Credit Courses

Northeast State will refund non-credit course fees to any participant who officially drops a non-credit online course by contacting the Institute for Business and Industry Services and Continuing Education no later than 4:30 p.m. on the day the class begins.

Financial Aid

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The student financial aid programs at Northeast State are designed to assist students who find it difficult to attend college without financial assistance.

Northeast State offers a comprehensive program of financial aid in the form of scholarships, grants, part-time employment, and loans. Major emphasis is placed on financial need and academic achievement. Students may apply for one or more types of financial aid. A student must have applied for admission to Northeast State and the admissions file must be complete before any funds will be disbursed.

March 1 is the priority deadline for applying for financial aid for the fall semester. Applications received by that date will be given first consideration in the allocation of financial aid funds. Applications received after March 1 will be accepted and awards made to eligible students on a first-come, first-served basis as long as funds are available.

Program descriptions and application procedures are listed on the following pages. Information concerning methods by which aid is distributed to qualifying students, satisfactory academic progress standards for financial aid recipients, Return of Title IV Funds policies for federal grant and loan recipients, and costs of attending Northeast State (other than tuition and fees which are listed on the class schedules) is available to anyone upon request from the Office of Financial Aid. Application forms may be obtained by writing or visiting the Office of Financial Aid, Faculty Office Building, Rooms F102, by calling 423.323.0252, 423.323.3191 or 1.800.836.7822 or at www.NortheastState.edu.

Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy for Financial Aid Recipients - Northeast State, as required by the U.S. Department of Education, has established a Satisfactory Academic Progress Standard for all recipients of financial assistance through any Title IV program (Federal Pell, Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant (FSEOG), Academic Competitiveness Grant (ACG), Federal Work Study Program (FWSP), Federal Stafford Loans, and Federal Parent Loans for Undergraduate Students (PLUS). Progress is measured by the student’s cumulative grade point average (GPA) and credits earned in relation to those attempted and the length of the academic program. Recipients of the Tennessee Education Lottery Scholarship must also maintain satisfactory academic progress according to this policy.  The policy is published and available at www.NortheastState.edu or upon request from the Office of Financial Aid.

Federal Programs

All federal financial aid programs require the assessment of financial need based on the ability of the parents and/or the student/spouse to contribute toward educational expenses. Students must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), which is available at www.fafsa.ed.gov. Renewal of aid is not automatic; students must reapply each year.

Federal Pell Grants - This program is designed to provide financial assistance to undergraduate students who need it to attend postsecondary educational institutions. The amount of the student’s grant is based on the family’s ability to contribute to the student’s education as calculated by the FAFSA, the amount of funds actually available for the program, the number of hours for which the student is enrolled, and the cost of attendance.

Academic Competitiveness Grant Program (ACG) - An eligible student may receive an ACG of $750 for the first and $1300 for the second academic years of study. The student must be a Federal Pell Grant recipient enrolled at least half-time and have completed a rigorous secondary school program of study. Students must have successfully completed their freshman year with a 3.0 GPA to qualify for the ACG the second year. Contact the Office of Financial Aid at 423.323.0252 or email finaid@NortheastState.edu for more information.

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (FSEOG) This program provides grants to students with exceptional financial need and is based on eligibility for Pell. The amount of assistance a student may receive depends upon need with the minimum grant award of $100 per year.

Federal Work Study Program (FWSP) - This program provides funds for the employment of needy students. Students who qualify for this program may work during the academic year and under special conditions during periods of non-enrollment. The number of hours a student may work is determined by the Office of Financial Aid and based on the student’s need. Pay rates under this program are compatible with Federal Minimum Wage Standards. Terms and conditions of employment will be furnished to students at the time their work assignment is made. In addition to working on-campus, students may work off-campus in community service jobs and as America Reads tutors in area elementary schools.

Direct Stafford Loan Program (Subsidized and Unsubsidized) - The Direct Stafford Loan Program enables the U.S. Department of Education to make long-term loans to students to help pay educational expenses. Students must have a determination of eligibility for Federal Pell Grant to receive a loan.

Direct Parent Loans for Undergraduate Students (Federal PLUS) - This program makes loan funds available to parents of dependent students to assist with educational expenses. Parents may borrow up to the cost of education less any financial assistance. Students at Northeast State must have a FAFSA processed before a Direct PLUS will be certified. A PLUS Worksheet must be completed and returned to the office of Financial Aid when a parent is approved for the loan. Worksheets are available at www.NortheastState.edu and in the Office of Financial Aid.

State Programs

Tennessee Student Assistance Award - The Tennessee Student Assistance Award is a grant made available to Tennessee residents enrolled as undergraduate students at eligible Tennessee colleges and universities. The grant is based on financial need and is administered by the Tennessee Student Assistance Corporation. Those who wish to be considered for this grant must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid in time for the application to be processed before the February 15 priority deadline. To meet this deadline, applications should be filed by February 10.

Tennessee Education Lottery Scholarship Program: HOPE Scholarship, General Assembly Merit Scholarship, Need-Based Aspire Award, Tennessee HOPE Access Grant  - These scholarships are available to students who:

  • Have been a Tennessee resident for one year prior to September 1 of the academic year of enrollment or application deadline date.
  • Apply with the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
  • Enroll in at least six hours in one of the eligible Tennessee public colleges, universities, or private colleges within 16 months of graduating from high school, obtaining a GED, or completing a home school program.

Hope Scholarship for Non-traditional Students - To be eligible, a student must be at least 25 years old, must have attempted and passed 12 credit hours with a minimum 2.75 GPA and have an adjusted gross income $36,000 or less.

Application deadline is September 1 for the Fall term or February 1 for the Spring term. Additional requirements for each of the scholarships can be found at www.collegepaystn.com, or in the Office of Financial Aid.

Minority Teaching Fellows Program - This program is designed for entering freshmen with a 2.75 high school GPA, at least 18 ACT Composite or 850 SAT (Math and Critical Reading only). Continuing college students must have a cumulative college GPA of 2.75. Students must be minority Tennessee residents and U.S. citizens. Applications may be obtained from Tennessee Student Assistance Corporation (TSAC), online at www.collegepaystn.com. The application deadline is April 15.

Ned McWherter Scholars Program - This program is for entering freshmen with a minimum 29 ACT (Composite)/1280 SAT (Math and Critical Reading only) and an unweighted 3.5 high school GPA. Students must be Tennessee residents and U.S. citizens. Applications may be obtained from TSAC at www.collegepaystn.com. The application deadline is April 15.

Robert C. Byrd Honors Scholarship Program - This scholarship is awarded based on federal funding and is available to students who are Tennessee residents and U.S. citizens or permanent residents. The program is open to entering freshmen immediately following high school graduation or receipt of the GED.  A minimum 3.5 unweighted  GPA, a GED score of 570, or a 24 ACT/1090 SAT (Math and Critical Reading only) on a National or State test date and an unweighted 3.0 GPA are required.  The scholarship is renewable for a total of 4 undergraduate years. Students must maintain satisfactory academic progress and full-time enrollment. New and renewal applications for this scholarship may be obtained from TSAC at www.collegepaystn.com. The application deadline is March 1.

Tennessee Teaching Scholars Program - This program offers a forgivable loan of up to $4,500 for college juniors, seniors, and post baccalaureate students admitted to a state approved teacher education program at an eligible Tennessee postsecondary institution. Sophomores at Northeast State may apply. Applicants must be Tennessee residents and U. S. citizens. Applications may be obtained online at www.collegepaystn.com.

Dependent Children’s Scholarship Program - This program is for dependent children of law enforcement officers, firemen, or emergency medical technicians who were killed or permanently disabled in the line of duty while employed in Tennessee. The award amount is based on state funding and the student’s direct costs, and is coordinated with other aid. It is renewable for four undergraduate years at an eligible Tennessee postsecondary institution. Students must be Tennessee residents and U.S. citizens, and must complete a Dependent Children’s Scholarship Program Application and a Free Application for Federal Student Aid to qualify. Applications can be obtained at www.collegepaystn.com. The application deadline is July 15.

Northeast State Scholarship Programs

Several scholarship programs are available to qualified Northeast State students. The Academic Work Scholarship Program, the Educate and Grow Scholarship Program, the Educational Access and Diversity Scholarship Program,  and the Northeast State Foundation Scholarships as well as other individuals and organizations provide awards for qualified students. Competitive scholarship awards are based primarily on academic merit with consideration given to a student’s major, county of residence, demonstrated leadership skills, and motivation among other selection criteria. Financial need is not necessarily a prerequisite for receiving Northeast State scholarships. Students are eligible to apply for other scholarships and/or financial assistance from private or third-party agencies outside the college. Such scholarships may be awarded to students in addition to scholarships awarded through Northeast State.

Academic Work Scholarship Program - Recipients of the Academic Work Scholarship are required to work 75 hours per semester in return for the payment of their maintenance fees and an allowance of $150 for books. Residents of the State of Tennessee must submit a Northeast State Scholarship Application each academic year to be considered. Applicants must be:

  1. First-time freshmen with a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 3.0, an ACT composite score of 21 or above, SAT equivalent, or Computer Adaptive Placement Assessment and Support System (COMPASS) results which allow them to enroll in freshman level courses. These students receive priority placement.
  2. Transfer and other than first-time freshman students with a minimum cumulative college GPA of 3.0 earned on the basis of at least 12 credit hours and having completed remedial/developmental requirements.

Educate and Grow Scholarship Program - The Educate and Grow Scholarship Program is an economic development effort designed to develop and maintain a qualified workforce for the region.  Educate and Grow is a four-semester scholarship that provides tuition assistance to qualified applicants.  To be eligible, individuals must enroll at Northeast State as degree-seeking students the fall semester immediately following high school graduation, meet program residency requirements, and graduate with standard diplomas from accredited high schools, state-approved private schools, or state-approved home school programs (as authorized by Tennessee law).  Individuals must apply for the program by the year they graduate high school and meet all program requirements.  Students must apply by submitting an Educate and Grow Scholarship Application by the last business day of March.  Awards and award amounts are contingent upon funding.

Educational Access and Diversity Scholarship Program - A limited number of scholarships are awarded to eligible students. The scholarships are available to in-state residents who enroll in and successfully complete a minimum of six (6) credit hours each semester and maintain term and cumulative grade point averages (GPAs) of at least a 2.5 inclusive of remedial/developmental requirements.

Students must meet two of the following criteria for priority consideration.

  • First generation college student
  • Hispanic/Latino/Spanish origin, Black or African American, Asian, American Indian, Alaskan Native, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander  
  • Resident of an underrepresented county within the Northeast State service area (Johnson or Unicoi County)
  • Family income of $36,000 or below (as reported on the FAFSA)

Students meeting one of the above criteria may be eligible for assistance contingent upon funding. Eligible applicants may receive awards to assist with maintenance fees, tuition, and/or allowable book expense of not more than $400 per semester. Applications are available in the office of Scholarship Programs and Alumni Affairs and on the Northeast State web site. Application deadlines vary by academic year.

Northeast State Foundation Scholarships - Foundation Scholarships are made possible by gifts to the Northeast State Foundation from various businesses, industries, organizations, and individuals. Scholarship recipients are selected by the Northeast State Scholarship Committee. Students must apply by submitting a Northeast State Scholarship Application to the office of Scholarship Programs and Alumni Affairs by the first business day of March each year.

Private or Third-Party Scholarships - These scholarship recipients are selected by the organization providing the scholarship funds. The Northeast State Foundation serves only as the administrating agency. In selecting recipients for these scholarships, emphasis is placed upon scholastic achievement, character, future promise, and in some cases financial need. Additional scholarships are established as interested groups and individuals desire. Those wishing to establish scholarship funds with Northeast State are urged to contact the office of Institutional Advancement.

Special Scholarship Programs - Scholarship awards may be made available through programs that utilize special grant funding or private sponsorship. Consideration for these awards may be dependent upon work agreements, enrollment in specific majors, or may be period specific. Eligibility requirements and application deadlines vary by program.

Northeast State Scholarship Application

Applications for Academic Work and Foundation scholarships are available in the office of Scholarship Programs and Alumni Affairs and on the Northeast State Web Site by November 1st of each year. Scholarship awards are made each spring semester for the following fall and spring semesters. Students receiving awards are notified before the start of the fall semester. For consideration, submit the completed application packet by the priority deadline of the first business day in March each year to:

Scholarship Programs and Alumni Affairs
Room P313, Pierce Administration Building
PO Box 246
Blountville , TN 37617-0246

All required documentation must be submitted with the Northeast State Scholarship Application. Incomplete applications will not be considered. Applicants are matched to scholarship selection pools based upon the information supplied on the Northeast State Scholarship Application.

Separate applications are required for the Educate and Grow Scholarship and the Educational Access and Diversity Scholarship Programs.  Submission deadlines vary for each program.

For additional information, contact the office of Scholarship Programs and Alumni Affairs at 423-354-5120, the Financial Aid office at 423-323-0252, or visit the Northeast State Web Site at www.NortheastState.edu.

A listing of Foundation Scholarships is available on the Northeast State Web Site.


Other Sources

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Veterans Benefits - Veterans desiring to attend Northeast State under any of the educational assistance laws administered by the Department of Veterans Affairs should contact:

Coordinator of Veterans Affairs
Northeast State Community College
P.O. Box 246
Blountville, TN 37617-0246

Department of Veterans Affairs
St. Louis Regional Processing Office
P.O. Box 6830
St. Louis, MO 63166-6830

Veterans and other eligible persons may receive educational benefits under Title 38, U.S.C. (the G.I. Bill) only when classified as a regular degree-seeking student. Other classifications, i.e., special student-credit and student non-credit do not qualify.

Additional Grant Sources - Many students receive assistance through Vocational Rehabilitation and the Department of Human Services Programs. Contact the appropriate agencies for information.


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