2024-2025 Student Handbook 
    Mar 28, 2025  
2024-2025 Student Handbook

2024-2025 Student Handbook

Notice to Students


The Student Handbook, issued by the Office of the Vice President for Institutional Excellence and Student Success, is published as the College’s identification of programs and notification of regulations that affect student life. While every effort is made to provide current and accurate information, these programs and regulations are subject to change at any time by Northeast State Community College and/or the Tennessee Board of Regents.


Northeast State’s Catalog and/or Student Handbook presents the course offerings and academic requirements in effect at the time of publication.  However, it provides no guarantee that offerings will not be changed or rescinded. The course offerings and requirements of Northeast State are continually under examination and review. The College reserves the right to change course offerings, curricula, academic policies, and other rules and regulations affecting students, which will become effective whenever determined appropriate by the Institution.  Students will be given reasonable notice regarding any changes in the Catalog or Student Handbook.  All updates and/or corrections will be posted in the online version of the Catalog or Student Handbook, superseding previous versions. Changes will govern current, former, and prospective students. The Catalog and Student Handbook are not intended to state contractual terms and do not constitute a contract between the student and the Institution.


Northeast State Community College

2425 Highway 75 / P.O. Box 246

Blountville, Tennessee 37617-0246

Telephone: 423.323.3191, 282.0800 or 547.8450

Outside the local area, call: 1.800.836.7822





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