FALL 2006 |
Fee waivers accepted |
July 3 1 |
Fees due for Fall Term 2005 |
August 16 |
Fees for students registering for Fall classes after August 16 will be due same day as registration. |
Open registration |
August 23 |
Last day for 100% refund |
August 27 |
Classes begin |
August 28 |
Late registration/late payment fee ($10) charged beginning today |
August 28 |
Last day to add a class |
September 2 |
Holiday - Labor Day |
September 4 |
Last day for 75% refund |
September 10 |
Deadline for application for Fall 2006 degree completion |
September 12 |
Preferred date to receive applications for graduation for Spring Semester 2007 |
September 12 |
Last day for 25% refund |
September 22 |
Last day to drop EDUC 2100 or EDUC 1010 |
October 6 |
Fall break (Weekend College will meet) |
October 16 - 17 |
Academic Profile testing |
October 23 and 26 |
Advisement/course selection for Spring Semester 2007 |
October 30 November 10 |
Last day to drop a class |
October 31 |
Last day to withdraw |
October 31 |
Last day to change to audit |
October 31 |
Academic area field-tests |
November 9 |
Registration for Spring Semester 2007 BEGINS |
November 13 |
Holiday Thanksgiving |
November 23-26 |
(Weekend College will not meet) |
(Wednesday evening classes will not meet November 22) |
Last class session before finals |
December 7 |
Study Day (Week-end College Final Exams) |
December 8 |
Final exams |
(Sat. Fri.) December 9 - 15 |
Deadline for completing Spring Semester 2006 grade of I |
December 18 |
Campus closed |
December 23 January 1 |
The Fall Semester 2006 calendar is subject to change at any time prior to or during the academic term due to emergencies or causes beyond the reasonable control of the institution, including severe weather, loss of utility service, or orders by federal or state agencies. |
SPRING 2007 |
Fee waivers accepted |
December 18 |
Campus re-opens |
January 2 |
Fees due for Spring Term 2007 |
January 4 |
Fees for students registering for Spring classes after January 4 will be due same day as registration. |
Open registration |
January 10 |
Last day for 100% refund |
January 15 |
Holiday - Martin Luther King Day |
January 15 |
Late registration/late payment fee ($10) charged beginning today |
January 16 |
Classes begin |
January 16 |
Last day to add a class |
January 20 |
Deadline for submission of application for graduation for Spring 2007 |
January 29 |
Preferred date to receive applications for Summer 2007 degree completion |
January 29 |
Last day for 75% refund |
January 29 |
Last day for 25% refund |
February 10 |
Last day to drop EDUC 2100 or EDUC 1010 |
February 23 |
Spring break (Weekend College will meet) |
March 5 - 9 |
Priority registration for summer 2007 |
March 19 -23 |
Last day to drop a class |
March 25 |
Last day to withdraw |
March 25 |
Last day to change to audit |
March 25 |
Academic Profile testing |
March 26 and 29 |
Priority registration for fall 2007; summer registraton continues |
April 9-20 |
Academic area field-tests |
April 5 |
Holiday - (Weekend College will not meet) |
April 6 - 8 |
Open registration for fall 2007 begins |
April 21 |
Honors Convocation |
April 26 |
Last class session before finals |
April 30 |
Final exams |
(Tue. Sat.) May 1 - 5 |
Fees due for Intersession |
May 3 |
Fees for students registering for Intersession after May 3 will be due same day as registration. |
Deadline for completing Fall Semester 2005 grade of I |
May 9 |
Commencement |
May 8 |
The Spring Semester 2007 calendar is subject to change at any time prior to or during the academic term due to emergencies or causes beyond the reasonable control of the institution, including severe weather, loss of utility service, or orders by federal or state agencies. |
SUMMER 2007 |
Intersession |
Fee waivers accepted |
April 20 |
Open registration |
May 10 |
Last day for 100% refund |
May 13 |
Late registration/late payment fee ($10) charged beginning today |
May 14 |
Classes begin |
May 14 |
Last day to add a class |
May 15 |
Last day for 75% refund |
May 16 |
Last day for 25% refund |
May 18 |
Last day to drop a class |
May 25 |
Last day to change to audit |
May 25 |
Last day to withdraw |
May 25 |
Holiday Memorial Day |
May 28 |
Classes end/final exams |
June 1 |
Full Summer Session |
Fee waivers accepted |
May 7 |
Fees due for First Summer Session and Full Summer Session |
May 24 |
Fees for students registering for First or Full Session after May 24 will be due same day as registration. |
Open registration |
May 31 |
Last day for 100% refund |
June 3 |
Late registration/late payment fee ($10) charged beginning today |
June 4 |
Classes begin |
June 4 |
Last day to add a class |
June 6 |
Last day for 75% refund |
June 17 |
Last day for 25% refund |
June 20 |
Deadline for submission of application for Summer 2007 degree completion |
June 22 |
Holiday - Independence Day |
July 4 |
Preferred date to receive applications for Fall 2007 degree completion |
July 13 |
Academic Profile testing |
July 16 and 19 |
Last day to drop a class |
July 17 |
Last day to withdraw |
July 17 |
Last day to change to audit |
July 17 |
Classes end/final exams |
August 10 |
First Summer Session |
Fee waivers accepted |
May 7 |
Fees due for First Summer Session and Full Summer Session |
May 24 |
Fees for students registering for First or Full Session after May 24 will be due same day as registration. |
Open Registration |
May 31 |
Last day for 100% refund |
June 3 |
Late registration/late payment fee ($10) charged beginning today |
June 4 |
Classes begin |
June 4 |
Last day to add a class |
June 6 |
Last day for 75% refund |
June 8 |
Last day for 25% refund |
June 11 |
Last day to drop a class |
June 24 |
Last day to withdraw |
June 24 |
Last day to change to audit |
June 24 |
Holiday - Independence Day |
July 4 |
Classes end/final exams |
July 6 |
Second Summer Session |
Fee waivers accepted |
May 7 |
Fees due for Second Summer Session classes |
June 28 |
Fees for students registering for Second Session after June 28 will be due same day as registration. |
Open registration |
July 5 |
Last day for 100% refund |
July 8 |
Late registration/late payment fee ($10) charged beginning today |
July 9 |
Classes begin |
July 9 |
Last day to add a class |
July 11 |
Last day for 75% refund |
July 12 |
Last day for 25% refund |
July 16 |
Last day to drop a class |
July 30 |
Last day to withdraw |
July 30 |
Last day to change to audit |
July 30 |
Classes end/final exams |
August 10 |
The Summer Semester 2007 calendar is subject to change at any time prior to or during the academic term due to emergencies or causes beyond the reasonable control of the institution, including severe weather, loss of utility service, or orders by federal or state agencies. |
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