Mar 11, 2025
2006-2007 Catalog and Student Handbook [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Allied Health - Concentration: Surgical Technology
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Accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs and the Accreditation Review Committee on Education in Surgical Technology.
The Surgical Technology program is designed to prepare students for careers as members of a surgical team in the operating room under medical supervision to facilitate the safe and effective conduct of invasive surgical procedures. This individual works under the supervision of a surgeon to ensure that the operating room environment is safe, that equipment functions appropriately, and that the operative procedure is conducted under conditions that maximize patient safety. Instruction includes a combination of classroom work and clinical experience in the operating room/ delivery room which enables the technologist to assist surgeons, anesthesiologists and nurses with client care and related services. Special emphasis is placed upon the skills involved in scrubbing and circulating duties during surgical procedures, and in the preparation and maintenance of sterilized and unsterilized supplies. This program is comprised of theory and clinical experience. The theory includes courses in the basic sciences and related subjects. The correlated clinical instruction stresses manual dexterity in using surgical instruments, the application of aseptic technique, and safe patient care. Emphasis is also placed on medical ethics and legal considerations. Upon successful completion of the program, students are qualified to take a National Certifying Examination to become a Certified Surgical Technologist (CST).
Admission, Retention, and Graduation Requirements
Admission Requirements (General)
A student desiring to pursue an associate of applied science degree in Surgical Technology must:
- Apply, meet the general admission requirements and be accepted by Northeast State Technical Community College.
- Indicate Surgical Technology as the desired major on the Northeast State application form.
- See a faculty advisor from the Health-Related Professions program area prior to registering for classes and obtain faculty approval to register.
- Complete all required remedial and developmental courses prior to making application for the Surgical Technology program.
- Complete BIOL 1230, BIOL 2010, BIOL 2020, CSCI 1100, ENGL 1010, MATH 1530, OFMG 1100, PSYC 1310, SPCH 1300, and a humanities/fine arts elective prior to making application for the Surgical Technology program. A grade of “C” or better must be achieved in all courses prior to admission. Biological science courses previously taken must have been completed within the last ten (10) years.
Surgical Technology Program Application Requirements
A student who has completed the above referenced requirements and has maintained an overall 2.0 GPA, excluding remedial and developmental courses, must complete and return to the Surgical Technology Program Director a “Request for Admission into the Surgical Technology Program” form. The student should attach to the form a current transcript of all the college courses taken.
Admission to the Surgical Technology Program
- Selection of each class will be made by the Surgical Technology Admission and Progression Committee whose membership consists of:
- Division Chair of Health-Related Professions.
- Program Director of the Surgical Technology program.
- Representatives from the local communities of interest.
- Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs (ex officio).
- Students will be evaluated on overall GPA, grades earned in required sciences, prior education, and be interviewed by the Admission and Progression Committee. (Evaluation criteria will be made available to each student during the application and orientation process).
- Individuals selected will be notified in writing of acceptance into the program. Students notified of admission into the program must return an acceptance form indicating intent to be included in the fall class by the date specified on the form. Students who do not respond will have their positions filled by other applicants selected by the Surgical Technology Program Director from the list recommended by the Admission and Progression Committee.
- Students not selected for admission may reapply for a subsequent class.
- Transfer Students - Individuals who have attended other colleges and desire to transfer into the Northeast State Surgical Technology program will be considered on an individual basis. Transfer requests should be directed to the Division Chair of Health-Related Professions. Transfer students must meet the same standards and criteria as others desiring to pursue an associate of applied science degree in Surgical Technology at Northeast State.
Readmission Policies
A student who has been dismissed or has withdrawn from the Surgical Technology program may be readmitted. The following apply:
- Only one readmission to the Surgical Technology program is permitted. This readmission must occur within a one year time frame.
- A student must apply to the Surgical Technology Program Director for readmission at least one semester before the desired date of return.
- A student must request readmission in writing and appear before the Admission and Progression Committee.
- A student who fails to maintain a cumulative 2.0 GPA may be considered for readmission only after removing all grades of less than a “C” in all required general education courses.
- A student repeating a Surgical Technology course must repeat both the theory and clinical components of the course.
- A student may be readmitted only if space is available.
To remain in good standing once admitted to the Surgical Technology program, the student must:
- Adhere to all Northeast State, Surgical Technology program, department, and clinical affiliate policies.
- Maintain a grade of “C” or better in each Surgical Technology course.
- Satisfactorily complete the theory, clinical, and/or skills requirements of each Surgical Technology course. Failure in either segment will result in a grade of “F” for the entire course.
- Submit to the Surgical Technology Program Director written evidence, on the appropriate form, of a physical examination within the past six months showing the applicant is in good physical health and possesses no physical disabilities that would impede the applicant’s ability to fulfill the functions and responsibilities of the surgical technologist. Any limitations in the individual’s ability to perform adequately will require additional documentation.
- Exhibit safe clinical behavior.
- Demonstrate professional, ethical, and legal conduct.
- Purchase professional liability insurance ($1,000,000/ $3,000,000).
- Maintain CPR certification.
- Sign a statement prior to admission indicating he/she is drug free and submit to a drug test if requested by the Division Chair of Health-Related Professions at any time during the program. A positive drug test is grounds for immediate dismissal.
- Students must comply with policies of clinical affiliates concerning criminal background checks and must assume associated costs.
Program graduation requirements include the successful completion of all courses with a minimum grade of “C” in each course.
Typical Program of Study
- Elective - Humanities/Fine Arts Credits: 3
For further information
Laurie Bollman, CST Program Director/Instructor Telephone: (423) 279-3681 Fax: (423) 477-4859 E-mail: lmbollman@NortheastState.edu or Donald S. Coleman Division Chair, Health-Related Professions Telephone: (423) 323-0238 Fax: (423) 323-0213 E-mail: dscoleman@NortheastState.edu |
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